Campus Ministries, Campus Wide, Office of the President, Student Life

Top OCC packers take shoeboxes to children

By CSU Media | March 3, 2025

Each year the CSU student who packs the most Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes is invited to help deliver OCC boxes somewhere in the world. A delay due to COVID resulted in three individual winners traveling for CSU earlier this year.

CSU team – D.J. Brummett, Sarah Durham, Kelly Venning, and President Keith Faulkner.

Sarah Durham ’24, Kelly Venning ’23, and D.J. Brummett ’25 were accompanied by CSU President Keith Faulkner on the trip to Grenada in the West Indies.

Sarah shared her impressions of the trip:

“For me, Grenada was like a glimpse into what Heaven will be like. It was incredible getting to be around so many amazing Christian individuals, to hear their testimonies, learn about how they were helping in the shoebox process, and to grow a strong Christian community and friendships together. 

“The children were happy, energetic, and extremely grateful. They were so engaging and were truly on fire for the gospel. In Grenada, some of the strongest Christians leaders are the children. Never underestimate the strength and powers of a child to change nations and the hearts of their community to Christ. 

“It was great getting to spend time with President Faulkner. He is so approachable, humble, and full of humor! I am grateful he was on the trip with us. When my carry-on bag had to be checked for the flight home, he stayed at the airport with me an extra 30 minutes just to make sure he walked me back to my car and that I got back safely since it was already dark and around 1 a.m. by this point. 

“I learned that a ball of any type (soccer, football, baseball, softball, bouncy ball, stress ball, etc.) must be included in every box from now on. They are a boy’s favorite thing to see. The girls love arts and crafts related items like bracelet making sets.” 

Other members of nonprofits and other universities also went on the Grenada OCC trip, including Dr. Jill McElheny, who is now a member of the CSU College of Nursing. 

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