Campus Ministries

Thankful God’s not like us

By CSU Media | March 21, 2018

Author Trillia Newbell told CSU’s chapel service that she’s constantly grateful God isn’t like people.

The Nashville-based mother of two and the Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention, told students, faculty and staff that “God is set apart, glorious, awesome. Even the demons know him and shudder.”

In giving her testimony, Newbell explained that she has a rule with her children, “Nothing happens after nine. My daughter, especially, likes to talk, but I tell her I’m happy to discuss all this in the morning, but not now. It’s too late, it’s after nine.”

Aren’t we glad God doesn’t operate that way? Newbell said, “We have access to a King…anytime! God is constantly saying ‘Come to Me.’ If you’re anxious or fearful, ‘Come to Me.’ If you’re hiding or protecting a secret sin, ‘Come to Me.’”

Newbell encouraged all those in the chapel service to appreciate and embrace God’s love and mercy. His invitation to come to Him is not to reveal guilt or punishment but to receive grace and entrance to His Kingdom.

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