Campus Wide

Shaped by the Master’s hands

By CSU Media | October 12, 2018

Dr. Fred Luter used Jeremiah 18:1-6 to explain need for the touch of the Master’s hand to Charleston Southern University students Oct. 10.

Luter is pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans and was the first African American elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Luter gave three reasons why everyone needs a touch from the Master:

  1. We are messed up and marred by sin. “We are not who we are supposed to be because of our sin nature,” said Luter.
  2. We can’t fix ourselves. He used the letters A-Z to show that sin has done a job on us all. He said, “Let God make you the being He wants you to be.”
  3. God’s got healing hands. Put yourself in the healing hands of God. “Life will never be the same if you place yourself in the Master’s hands,” said Luter.

Luter told students to let Jesus mold and shape them like the potter shapes the clay. He said, whatever you are dealing with, put it in the saving, loving, compassionate hands of Jesus, and your life will never be the same.

Watch the video

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