Academics, Campus Wide

Rooms available for testing, study use

By Jenna Johnson | September 11, 2020

Beginning Monday, September 14, vacant classrooms will be available for students who seek space for small group study sessions or for synchronous online classes while on campus. The classrooms may also be used for online testing. 

Dr. Jackie Fish, vice president of academic affairs, said this decision conveys “our best efforts to ensure students can gather in safe areas for study purposes as well as complete their online courses in a quiet environment.” She added that Academic Affairs will monitor and refine the process as needs arise.

In order for students to have fair access as well as ensure COVID-safe practices, a classroom schedule is posted on each door to determine the length of time space may be available.

Here are the guidelines for classroom use:

  1. Please limit your time in the classrooms to two hours maximum so that every student has an opportunity to utilize this space.
  2. Masks must be worn at all times to keep everyone safe.
  3. No food or drinks allowed in the classrooms.
  4. Remember to observe the 6’ social distancing rule to avoid becoming a close contact. Please also recognize and follow the maximum occupancy sign posted in each room.
  5. Do not move furniture.
  6. Everyone must be able to display the LiveSafe green check mark.
  7. Please use the spray cleaner and a paper towel to sanitize the desk used during your time in the classroom to preserve cleanliness standards.
  8. Campus Security Officers will be checking the classroom areas on a regular basis to ensure everyone has a safe environment for studying, taking online courses and completing online tests.
  9. Don’t forget CSU Chapel will be broadcast each Wednesday at 11 a.m. through Blackboard. Be sure to log in, watch the service, complete the questions and earn your chapel credits for the semester.
  10. Remember the #BUCSAFE pledge! CSU is committed to a safe learning environment for every student, faculty and staff member.

For information on classroom locations available, check your BucMail for the latest email announcement.

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