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Retired General prompts students to ponder calling

By CSU Media | November 11, 2019

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin gave CSU students a list of things to ponder at a meeting November 1. Dr. Dondi Costin introduced Boykin by saying Boykin has been involved in most of the major military events that have happened since the 1960s.

Costin said, “We use the word hero a lot; this is a genuine, no kidding U.S. hero.”

Since he retired from military service, Boykin has been serving as the executive vice president of the Family Research Council in D.C., which lobbies Congress, develops policy papers and stands for traditional Christian values.

Boykin said, “Are you where God wants you to be? Are you going to let Him be what Romans says, Lord of our lives?” He said, “If you have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, God has a calling on you.”

He shared the Five Concepts for Christians to Ponder and gave examples from military history to illustrate each concept.

  1. Sua Sponte – “This I freely give.” Jesus freely gave His life. Boykin told of the group known as Merrill’s Marauders, who eventually became known as the 75th Ranger Regiment. “They have one of the highest casualty rates because they are the first in and the last out of a situation,” said Boykin.
  • De oppressor liber – “To free the oppressed.” Roosevelt and Churchill sent groups of soldiers behind the lines after Germany had taken territories to train resisters. The group eventually became the Green Berets.
  • Ut prosim – “That I may serve.”  Boykin said one of the fallacies of the Christian life is believing Jesus saved you just so you could go to heaven. “Jesus saved you to be a warrior in His Kingdom,” said Boykin. He told students to use every gift God has given them.
  • Semper Fidelis – “Always faithful.” Boykin said, “Semper Fidelis is not just a phrase, it is a way of life. Search out your calling.” He admits he spent too much of his life doing what he wanted to do. “It was only through my wife where I reached that point where I was willing to hear His call.” Saying he could only speak for men, he advised men to choose a wife who is a spiritual giant.
  • Molon Labe – “Come and take.” “Our faith as Christians is under attack as never before,” said Boykin. Christians need to be willing to say, if you want my faith, come and fight me for it.

Boykin ended by telling of a mission he was on in 1983 to free five missionaries who had been captured in Sudan. “Those missionaries were on that mountain for one reason. God had called them, and He is faithful,” said Boykin. In 1995, Boykin was at the CIA building and met the brother of one of those missionaries. The man told Boykin, “He’s my brother, and you rescued him.”

Boykin challenged students to ponder, “Are you going to do what God has called you to do?”

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