Sports, worship, theatre, concerts, intramurals, homecoming… there’s plenty to keep your calendar full. Show up and show out at any of our campus events!
Senior Checklist
Enjoy your senior year and complete all your degree requirements. It’s a great time to ask your intern supervisor and your favorite professors if they will serve as a reference for you when applying for jobs. Your future is waiting!
Year 4 Accomplishments
By now you have:
Completed resume, portfolio, and obtained references.
Applied to graduate school, if applicable.
Completed academic requirements.
Accepted your diploma from President Faulkner and embark on a significant life!
You made it. You are an official CSU graduate! Know that your supervisors, mentors, and professors are cheering you
on as you embark on the next stage of your life. As you lead a significant life and impact your world for Christ, your CSU family will be praying for you. Mark your calendar for Homecoming, so you can attend as an alumnus!