Passport to Purpose officially rolls out

While CSU began incorporating many aspects of the Passport to Purpose into the curriculum and activities in the last two years, students received their actual passport at the beginning of fall semester.
The passports incorporate checklists for each of a student’s four years:
- Freshman year, Discover Your Passion: A time to learn more about yourself, God, and your passions, and to explore majors and careers.
- Sophomore year, Design Your Pathway: This is the year students decide on a major and design their pathway to graduation.
- Junior year, Develop Your Potential: Students take higher-level courses, complete internships, and learn to mentor others.
- Senior year, Declare Your Purpose: Seniors complete all graduation requirements and make preparations for success after graduation.
The passports also include a space for listing accomplishments and memories made each year, which will be useful when writing a resume, and a space for stickers collected at Sweet 16 events throughout a student’s four years.

Residential students found a treasure box waiting for them in their rooms on move-in day filled with a passport, welcome letter from President Costin, stickers, and posters for athletics and Sweet 16 events. The items were packed in Operation Christmas Child boxes which could be filled with OCC items and turned into the Dean of Students office by the end of September for an exclusive set of stickers.
Commuter students picked up passports and posters in the campus store.