Let God be God

Sharlene Stanford, who supervises 300-400 volunteers at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission, encouraged CSU students to let God reveal His purpose. “Allow His plans to take place,” said Stanford. The Rescue Mission helps the hungry, hurting and homeless in Central Florida. They serve approximately 800 meals a day and provide housing for people who have no other place to go.
CSU students, along with campus pastor, Jon Davis, have spent time in Orlando helping the Rescue Mission. Stanford says the first thing she tells every volunteer is that the people who seek their help are not to be called residents, but guests. This is the first step to helping them regain their dignity.
The Orlando Union Rescue Mission also seeks to show these guests a new future in Christ. As Stanford explains, “We’re never sure what difference our efforts will make, but God is so much bigger. God has a way of bringing us back to where He wants us and needs us.”
In closing, Stanford prompted CSU’s students to examine their hearts by asking “What else matters?” She also explained that there are opportunities to impact people’s lives without visiting some exotic or distant location. “Don’t place happiness on things – it’s people and lives that mean something.” By having a willing spirit and letting God be God, great things can happen.