Jonathan Watson
Chair and Professor of Christian Studies
Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership
P843-863-7974 /
PhD - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary - 2015
Dissertation: The Relationship between Baptism, Catechesis, and Entrance to the Church: An Argument for a Theological Catalyst
Supervisor: Dr. Jason K. Lee
M.Div. - New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary - 2005
BA - Ouachita Baptist University - 2000
Dr. Jonathan Watson serves as the Chair and Professor of Christian Studies. He received his Doctor of Philosophy in systematic theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX) and started teaching at CSU in 2015. His ministry and teaching focus is on the doctrine of God and the Church. He wants his students to grow in knowledge of God both intellectually and experientially so that they might worship him more fully and fervently in all aspects of their lives. His dissertation considered the relationship between baptism, instruction, and communion (esp. first communion), and is forthcoming for publication with Lexham Press in their Studies in Systematic and Historical Theology Series. His research interests include the nature of God and the church, especially the triunity of God and the nature of church fellowship and its expression in worship through the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Dr. Watson, his wife Karen, and their four children attend Old Fort Baptist Church (Summerville, SC). Dr. Watson serves as an elder, Sunday school teacher, and regularly teaches special studies in theology and discipleship for his local church.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
CSU is an institution defined by the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is an institution committed to extending the Great Commission mandate to make disciples of all nations. This is true across the university as a whole, but the partnership I enjoy with my fellow Christian Studies professors in the joint task of theological education is particularly rich. Each professor holds unswervingly to the full inspiration, sufficiency, and inerrancy of the Bible. Further, the Christian Studies faculty (to a professor) is committed to service in the local church and service to the local church. It is a privilege and honor to serve students and local churches with them.
Dr. Jonathan Watson, PhD
Nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award (2020–2021)
• In the Name of Our Lord: Four Models of the Relationship between Baptism, Catechesis, and Communion. Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021. (Under Contract; Manuscript Submitted)Articles
• “The Ongoing Use of Baptism: A Hole in the Baptist (Systematic) Baptistry.” Southwestern Journal of Theology, 61, no. 1 (Fall 2018): 3–27.Reviews
• Review of Hearers and Doers: A Pastor's Guide to Making Disciples Through Scripture and Doctrine, by Kevin J. Vanhoozer. In Midwestern Journal of Theology (Forthcoming).
• Review of “He Descended to the Dead”: An Evangelical Theology of Holy Saturday by Matthew Y. Emerson. In Southeastern Theological Review (Forthcoming).
• Review of Understanding Baptism, by Bobby Jamieson. In Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry 14, no. 1 (2017): 161–63.
• Review of Radical, by David Platt. In Southwestern Journal of Theology 53, no. 2 (2011): 230–31. Also at,
• Review of This Is My Body: The Presence of Christ in Reformation Thought, by Thomas J. Davis. In Southwestern Journal of Theology 52, no. 2 (2010): 254¬–56.
• Review of Virtue and the Voice of God by Daniel J. Treier. In Southwestern Journal of Theology 50, no. 2 (2008): 243–45.Conference Presentations
• “What Hath Jesus’ Baptism to Do with Christian Baptism? A Re-Assessment” National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. San Diego, CA: November 22, 2019.
• “The Ongoing ‘Use’ of Baptism: A Hole in the Baptist (Systematic) Baptistery?” Southeast Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. Charleston Southern University, March 23, 2018.
• “Strengthening Churches through a Meaningful Practice of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper,” Center for Church Renewal. Charleston Southern University, April 7, 2017.
Evangelical Theological Society