Ross Parker
Professor of Christian Studies
Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership
P843-863-7979 /
PhD, Philosophy, Baylor University (2014)
MA, Philosophy, Baylor University (2011)
MDiv, Christian Ministry, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (2009)
BA, History, Union University (2002)

Dr. Ross Parker serves as Professor of Christian Studies at CSU. He has been on faculty at CSU since 2014, teaching classes in Christian Philosophy, Ethics, Worldview, and Apologetics. Dr. Parker’s aim is to help his students be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks them for a reason of the hope they have (as 1 Peter 3:15 instructs Christians to do). In addition to his work at CSU, Parker has taught on Christian Apologetics and Christian Ethics in several churches, and has pastoral ministry experience.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
It's the purpose of every Christian to fulfill the Great Commandment (Mt. 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20), and to serve as an ambassador for Christ (2 Cor. 4:20). So my mission is to help students, whatever their specific vocational calling and course of study, to better fulfill these God-given purposes in their lives.
Dr. Ross Parker, PhD
HEB Foundation Faith and Learning Dissertation Fellowship – Baylor University (2013)
Presidential Scholars Award – Baylor University (Fall 2009-2014)
Ellis W. Hollon, Jr. Award in Philosophy of Religion –SEBTS (2009)
The Robert A. Culler Theology Award - SEBTS (2007)
The James Alex Baggett History Research Award –Union University (2002)
• “Hiddenness of God” (coauthored with Trent Dougherty), in Edward Craig, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (2015)
• “A Critical Evaluation of Rea's Response to the Problem of Divine Hiddenness" European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 6, No. 2 (2014) 117-138.
• “Deep and Wide: A Response to Jeff Jordan on Divine Love,” Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 30, No. 4 (2013): 444-461.BOOK REVIEWS
• Review of Kevin Kinghorn (with Stephen Travis), But What About God’s Wrath? The Compelling Love Story of Divine Anger in Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies (Forthcoming).
• Review of Josh D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen, Apologetics at the Cross: An Introduction for Christian Witness in The Southeastern Theological Review, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Fall 2019) p. 129-131.
• Review of Rolfe King, Obstacles to Divine Revelation: God and the Reorientation of Human Reason in Philosophia Christi, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2013) p. 203-207.
• Review of David Baggett and Jerry Walls, Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality in Journal of the International Society of Christian Apologetics, Vol. 5 No. 1, (2012) p. 127-132.PRESENTATIONS
• “Evaluating the Burk/Lambert and Collins Discussion of the Question: Is Same-Sex Desire Sinful?” Evangelical Theological Society Southeast Regional Meeting, 2018
• “Soren Kierkegaard and C. S. Lewis on Indirect Communication of Christian Truth” Houston Baptist University’s Annual Philosophy Conference, 2013
• “Divine Command Theory and Our Moral Obligation to Worship God” Society of Christian Philosophers Midwest Regional Conference, 2013
• “Could God Command Something Terrible? A Response on Behalf of Divine Command Ethics” Evangelical Philosophical Society Southwest Regional Meeting, 2012
• Comments on Kevin Timpe, “The Arbitrariness of the Primal Sin” Baylor Annual Philosophy of Religion Conference, 2012
Evangelical Philosophical Society
American Philosophical Association
Evangelical Theological Society