Peter Link

Associate Professor of Christian Studies
Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership
P843-863-7976 /


Ph.D. Biblical Studies (Old Testament) May 2012
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
Mentor: Dr. Mark Rooker (Brandeis)

Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages May 2005
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC
Concentrations: Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Languages

Bachelor of Science, Radio-Television-Film May 1990
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Concentrations: Screenwriting and Film Production

Dr. Peter Link serves as Associate Professor of Christian Studies. He received his Doctor of Philosophy in biblical studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and started teaching at CSU in 2012. His ministry and teaching focus is on the interpretation of the Old Testament, Hermeneutics, and Biblical Hebrew. He wants his students to know, first, that Moses and the Prophets wrote to them (and all of us) and, second, that they wrote to them (and all of us) about Jesus. His dissertation analyzed and interpreted Deut. 29-30, and his research remains focused on the interpretation of the Pentateuch. He is a regular leader of the College of Christian Studies’ quarterly EPIC Bible Study Teacher Training Sessions and has enjoyed preaching and serving in pulpit supply in multiple Lowcountry churches. Link, his wife Becky, and their five children serve as members of Northwood Baptist Church in North Charleston, S.C.

Your Purpose. Our Mission.

Every student has a purpose from God, and it is my mission to connect my students' hearts to God's heart by how I teach and live the Scriptures, to show them the breadth, depth, width and height of the gospel and its overflow into every part of life.

Dr. Peter Link

Nominated for the 2014–2015, 2015–2016, 2017–2018 Excellence in Teaching Awards

“Expectations and Requirements of the Coming King: Effective History of Genesis 49:1, 2, 10.” Presented November, 2009: Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dissertation: A Composition Criticism of Deut 28:69–30:20: An Analysis of the Pericope’s Intentional Repetition as a Part of the Pentateuch with the Pentateuch, the Prophets and the Writings
Committee: Drs. Mark F. Rooker and Robert L. Cole (SEBTS) and Dr. Stephen G. Dempster (Crandall University)

“The First Impression of Moses’ Last Impressions: A Composition Criticism of Deut 28:69–29:1a” Presented March, 2016: Annual Meeting of the Southeast Region of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Review of What is Scripture?: Paul’s Use of Graphe in the Letters to Timothy, by L. Timothy Swinson, The Southeastern Theological Review, Vol. 7 (2016).

“Searching for the Second Adam: Typological Connections between Adam, Joseph and Mordecai,” with Matthew Emerson, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, (Spring 2017).

“Eschatological Aftershocks of Exodus 19 in Deuteronomy” presented March, 2017. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Region of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Review of Grace in the End: A Study in Deuteronomic Theology, by J. Gordon McConville, The Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, (2017).

Review of Recovering the Unity of the Bible: One Continuous Story, Plan and Purpose, by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., The Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, (2018).

Review of Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical Theological Understanding of the Covenants, by Peter J Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum, The Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies, (2018).

“The Land That Moses Shows Us: Interpreting the Promised Land in the Pentateuch” presented November 2018: Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.

“Gentile Inclusion: Discerning a Citation Strategy in Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Ephesians” March 2019: Annual Meeting of the Southeast Regional of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)
Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)