Robin Franklin
Professor of Education (Doctoral)
Wingo Hall
P843-863-7552 /
Educational Leadership, Virginia Commonwealth University (PhD)
Administration and Supervision, University of Richmond (MEd)
Elementary Education (K-8), Carson Newman University (BS)
South Carolina Teaching License K-8, Administration K-12, and Gifted Education K-12

Dr. Robin Kesterson Franklin is a full tenured professor in the College of Education at Charleston Southern University and currently teaches graduate courses in the doctoral program. She earned a bachelor of science in elementary education (K-8) from Carson-Newman University, a master of education in administration and supervision from University of Richmond, a gifted education endorsement from University of Virginia, and a doctorate in educational leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Dr. Franklin has developed courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and has developed numerous partnerships with the public schools throughout the region. Professor Franklin brings more than 28 years of professional experience in education to the college classroom holding licensure in P-8 teaching, gifted education, and K-12 administration. Her teaching and scholarly research interests include elementary education, gifted education, creativity, educational technology and leadership.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
As a professor I strive daily to connect with my students, develop their knowledge and skills, and help them fulfill their God give purpose as leaders.
Dr. Robin Franklin
In addition to traveling nationally and internationally speaking at multiple conferences, and providing teacher training, she has supported grant work with the Department of Education and the State of South Carolina .
She is an honoree of Phi Kappa Phi national honor society and Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary organization for women educators.
Franklin, R. & Pleis, J. (2022). Creating an Innovative Classroom Space for Preservice Teachers. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina. 13(2), 66-72.
Franklin, R. & Mitchell, J. (2021). Pre-service Teachers’ Perceived Self-Efficacy After Engaging in Mock Interviews. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina. 13(1).
Franklin, R., & Mitchell, J. (2019). Using Video Technology as a Tool for Pre-service Teacher Reflection During Student Teaching. Teacher Education Journal of South Carolina. 12(1).
Franklin, R., Mitchell, J., Walters Siko, K., Livingston, B., Lineberger, M., Putman, C., Yarborough, R., & Bone, L. (2018). Using Swivl Robotic Technology in Teacher Education Preparation: A Pilot Study. Tech Trends. 62(2). 184-189.
Franklin, R. (2015). Charleston Southern University Early Childhood Candidates Plan Family Event. South Carolina Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators’ Newsletter (SCAECTE). 6(1).
Conference and Workshop Presentations
Franklin, R. (October, 2022). Picking Your Seat: The Influence of Flexible Seating on Student Engagement in College. South Carolina Association for Teacher Education Conference. (SCATE). Charleston Southern University, SC.
Franklin, R. (October, 2022). Creating an Innovative College Classroom Learning Space. South Carolina Association for Teacher Education Conference. (SCATE). Charleston Southern University, SC.
Franklin, R. (February, 2022). Creating Classrooms & Curriculum that Captivate Children. Staff Development Workshop P – 4th Grade Teachers. First Baptist School of Charleston, SC.
Franklin, R. (February, 2022). Creative and Playful Fun Using Technology. Southern Early Childhood Association and South Carolina Early Childhood Association Conference. (SECA/SCECA). Myrtle Beach, SC.
Franklin, R. & Pleis, J. (August, 2021). Creating a Joyous K-5 Classroom. Integrating Faith and Learning Conference. First Baptist School of Charleston, SC.
Member: Alpha Delta Kappa
Member: National Association for the Gifted
Member: National Association for the Education of Young Children
Member: South Carolina Association of Teacher Educators
Member: South Carolina Early Childhood Association
Member: South Carolina Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators