Karen Fonkert

Professor of Mathematics Education, Coordinator of Secondary and Pk12 Programs
Ashby Hall
P843-863-7274 / Ekfonkert@csuniv.edu


PhD, MEd
BS in Mathematics Education

Karen Fonkert

Dr. Karen Fonkert is a Professor of Math Education. In addition to teaching middle and high school for 11 years, she was a math department chair at two different high schools and a math coach. She has facilitated professional development to teachers in five states. Before coming to CSU in 2010, she also taught at Grand Valley State University in Michigan for three years. Her mission in life is to improve math education locally and beyond.

Your Purpose. Our Mission.

I will do whatever it takes to help our students learn to be the best math teachers they can be. I help them find great activities to do with K-12 students, and lend them materials as needed. I observe many of our students in K-12 classrooms even when it's not required. Even as math teachers, many of my students have gone on to become Rookie Teachers of the Year, and Teachers of the Year. Many of the elementary education majors have also come to love math or at least be less afraid of it. They become the STEM leaders at their schools.

Dr. Karen Fonkert

2015 Faculty Service Learning Award
2019 In the Top 3 for the Excellence in Teaching Award

Fonkert, K. (2012). Patterns of Interaction and Mathematical Thinking of High School Students in Classroom Environments that Include use of Java-Based, Curriculum-Embedded Software. Dissertation. Downloaded 613 times in 52 countries.
Fonkert, K. (2010). The nature of students’ interactions in technology-rich classrooms. Mathematics Teacher, 104 (4), 302-307.
Fonkert, K. (Sutter, A., & Cox, D.) (2008). Reflections on assessment. In Z. Usiskin, & E. Willmore (Eds.), Mathematics Curriculum in Pacific Rim Countries—China, Japan, Korean and Singapore:Proceedings of a Conference (pp. 351-360). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Fonkert, K. Assessing Students’ Minds and Imaginations, Faculty Kick-off, CSU, Charleston, SC. Aug. 18, 2022.
Fonkert, K. Mathematics—The Study of the Patterns God Created, Integrating Faith in Learning 2021 Conference, First Baptist School of Charleston, Charleston, SC, Aug. 10, 2021.
Houston, T., & Fonkert, K. Implementing Math Process Standards & Science and Engineering Practices for Action -Based Learning, Dorchester District 2 Learning by Design Professional Development, Summerville, SC, July 29, 2021.
Fonkert, K. Designing Effective Math Lessons, South Carolina Independent School Association Virtual Fall Teachers’ Conference. Nov. 6, 2020.
Fonkert, K. Teaching Strategies for Whole/Small Groups, COE: Seminars for Classroom Success for Rising Stars (graduates), Charleston, SC. Nov. 5, 2020.
The 4E Math Lesson Model and the 5 Practices, South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Greenville, SC. Nov. 14-15, 2019.
Facilitated professional development for the math department at Myrtle Beach High School, Jan. 31, 2019.
What works for Me Presentation, CSU, Oct. 5, 2018
Smelling Parkinson’s Disease—a Statistics Activity, Guinyard-Butler Middle School 6th Annual STEAM Fest, Barnwell, SC. March 22, 2018.
How to Have the School Year that you Want: Classroom Management Strategies that Work, S.C. Educators for the Practical Use of Research 30th Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, Mar. 2, 2018.
The Linear Pattern in Bungee Jumping, High School STEM Career Fair, Charleston, SC, Oct.12, 2017.
Can a Dog Sniff Out Parkinson’s Disease—a Statistics Activity. Guinyard-Butler Middle School 5th Annual STEAM Fest, Barnwell, SC. March 30, 2017.
M & M Variability, High School STEM Career Fair, Charleston, SC, Oct. 27, 2016.
Girl Scouts STEM Camp, Goose Creek, SC. July 25, 2016.
Making Sense of Essential Statistics for the Next Generation. NCTM Annual National Conference, San Francisco, CA. April, 2016.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
South Carolina Higher Ed + Personalized, Competency-Based Learning Committee
Heart Math Tutoring Steering Committee
Charleston STEM Festival Steering Committee
Lowcountry STEM Collaborative
Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum
Pi Mu Epsilon
Golden Key National Honor Society
Golden Key National Honor Society