Megan Busch
Assistant Professor of English and Department Chair
Norris Hall
P843-863-7281 /
PhD in English composition and rhetoric, University of South Carolina
MA in English literature, College of Charleston
BA in English, Charleston Southern University

Dr. Megan Busch is an assistant professor of English with a specialization in composition and rhetoric. She earned her PhD at the University of South Carolina, where her dissertation and research focused on how writers utilize features of Southern American English in their business communications.
Prior to beginning her position at Charleston Southern, she was an instructor and assistant director of first-year English at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Busch’s published work appears in Peitho, Composition Studies, Composition Forum, and Journal for the History of Rhetoric. She currently serves as the managing editor of Composition Studies, the oldest independent journal in her field.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
I am a Charleston Southern graduate; I earned my BA in English here in 2010. As I worked on my doctoral degree, I hoped there would be a position here at CSU for me to return "home" and teach students sitting in the same seats I once sat. It is a blessing to be on a campus I know and love so well!
Dr. Megan Busch
Outstanding Achievement and Student Triumph Award 2020 from the Dept. of Student Life at the University of South Carolina
Graduate Student Development Award from the Rhetoric Society of America Institute 2019
2019 Ellison Fellowship from the Institute for Southern Studies at the University of South Carolina
"Two Thumbs Up” Award from the Office of Student Disabilities Services at the University of South Carolina
English Graduate Student of the Year 2013 from the College of Charleston
Busch, Megan J. “Learning to Craft an Intersectional Ethos in the Second Wave: Metaphors, Mistakes, and Reflections in the Archives of Zelda Nordlinger.” Peitho 24.1 (Fall 2021)
Busch, Megan J. with Kelsey Flint-Martin, Eds. The Carolina Reader for English 101. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2020.
Busch, Megan J. “Review of Black Metaphors: How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking.” Journal for the History of Rhetoric, vol. 23, no. 2, Summer 2020, pp. 221-223.
Busch, Megan J. “Review of The Internationalization of US Writing Programs.” Composition Studies, vol. 47, no. 2, Fall 2019, pp. 224-227.
Busch, Megan J. “Fostering Community in Digital Composition Spaces.” Composition Forum, vol. 41, Spring 2019.
Busch, Megan J. “Democratizing Design: A Case for Utilizing Affordable Design Programs in Business and Technical Writing Classrooms.” Digital Rhetoric Collaborative. Gail Morris Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. 22 May 2019.