Get Plugged In
With about 50+ organizations at Charleston Southern University, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Check them out below!
- Academic
Check with your faculty program chair to inquire about joining these academic organizations.
- Alpha Nu Omega Student Nursing Association
- American Criminal Justice Association
- Association of Charleston Southern Engineering Students (ACSES)
- Association for Computer Machinery
- Athletic Training Club
- Doctor of Physical Therapy Club
- Future Teacher’s Society
- Health Science Club
- Pre-Medicine Club
- Pre-Vet Club
- Psychology Club
- Sefer Literary Magazine
- Club Sport
- Greek
- Honor Societies
Check with your faculty program chair to inquire about the requirements necessary to join these honor societies.
- Alpha Chi, all academic disciplines
- Alpha Kappa Delta, international sociology honor society
- Alpha Phi Sigma, national criminal justice honor society
- Alpha Sigma Lambda, professional organization for nontraditional students
- Beta Beta Beta, biology
- Delta Phi Tau, national physical therapy honor society
- Marshals
- Psi Chi, national psychology honor society
- Sigma Beta Delta, international business honor society
- Sigma Delta Pi, national Hispanic honor society
- Sigma Tau Delta, international English honor society
- Sigma Theta Tau, nursing honor society
- Service/Social
Check with the office of student activities in the Brewer Center to learn more about organizations with service at their core.
- African American Society
- Buc Buds
- Campus Activities Board
- CSU College Democrats
- CSU College Republicans
- International Club
- I 1:7 Anti-Trafficking Club
- Outdoor Adventure Club
- Student Government Association
- Students For Life
- Student Ministry
The office of campus ministries has more information about all ministries open to CSU students. Elevate, the campuswide worship gathering, meets at 8 p.m. on Thursdays.
- Campus Ministries Small Groups
- Campus Outreach
- CRU – Campus Crusade for Christ
- CSU Elevate Band & Worship Dance Team
- FCA – Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- One Accord Gospel Choir & Praise Dance Team
- Render Women’s Ministry