Get Plugged In

With about 50+ organizations at Charleston Southern University, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Check them out below!

Check with your faculty program chair to inquire about joining these academic organizations.

Check with your faculty program chair to inquire about the requirements necessary to join these honor societies.

  • Alpha Chi, all academic disciplines
  • Alpha Kappa Delta, international sociology honor society
  • Alpha Phi Sigma, national criminal justice honor society
  • Alpha Sigma Lambda, professional organization for nontraditional students
  • Beta Beta Beta, biology
  • Delta Phi Tau, national physical therapy honor society
  • Marshals
  • Psi Chi, national psychology honor society
  • Sigma Beta Delta, international business honor society
  • Sigma Delta Pi, national Hispanic honor society
  • Sigma Tau Delta, international English honor society
  • Sigma Theta Tau, nursing honor society

Check with the office of student activities in the Brewer Center to learn more about organizations with service at their core.

The office of campus ministries has more information about all ministries open to CSU students. Elevate, the campuswide worship gathering, meets at 8 p.m. on Thursdays.