Academics, Campus Wide

CSU plans for in-person classes this fall

By Jenna Johnson | February 22, 2021

Charleston Southern University intends to resume on-campus, in-person instruction for the Fall 2021 semester. According to the University Pandemic Task Force, evidence from this year’s careful adherence to classroom health protocols shows CSU classrooms among the safest spaces on campus. In fact, there are zero cases on campus at this time. 

“With our campus community adhering to our BUCSAFE protocols, the number of active cases as well as the number quarantining due to exposure remains low. Once the COVID-19 vaccine is available to the general public by the summer, we can anticipate a return to academic and student life activities more closely resembling the traditional college experience in the fall,” COVID-19 Infection Control Coordinator Laurel Glover said. 

The summer sessions will remain a time of transition back to the traditional college experience. Further information on course schedules and offerings will be released at a later date.  

“Because of God’s faithfulness and the resilience of our Buccaneer family, we have weathered the pandemic storm and will continue to adjust our sails to stay on course,” said President Dondi Costin. “I’m grateful for each one of our students, faculty and staff who have done what it takes to keep CSU moving in the right direction. With God’s help, we are making our way to the first of May and know that the best is yet to come.”

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