Residence Life, Student Life

COVID-19 Update from the President

By CSU Media | April 14, 2021

It’s the last week of classes for the semester! Final exams are only days away, and we’re making our way to the first of May. COVID-19 cases remain low within our campus community, and we currently have zero positive cases on campus. I am thankful for each one of you who continue the pledge to stay #BUCSAFE for the sake of your neighbor. May God bless you immensely for sacrificing normalcy and finding creative ways to have a memorable experience this year at CSU.

Guess what? The finish line is in sight! “…Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross…” (Hebrews 12:1-2). Be encouraged to finish this semester strong both in academics and in faith, Bucs. You are in my prayers.

Our Numbers

Here are our numbers as of April 13, 2021: 

    Of these 9 students, 0 reside on campus, 9 reside off campus, and 9 are confirmed positive.
    Of these 5 students, 0 reside on campus, 5 reside off campus. 
  • TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN ISOLATION: 2 (0 confirmed positive)

ISOLATION is reserved for actively symptomatic or known positive cases, and QUARANTINE is reserved for those who have been identified as a close contact of someone who is positive or who has symptoms. People in QUARANTINE are NOT ill – we are simply watching them to ensure they do not become symptomatic.

BUCSAFE Protocols

Masks and distancing requirements will remain in effect for the summer at CSU. Masks must be worn over the nose and mouth at all times while using the library and all other on-campus facilities.

Vaccine Availability

Interested in making a COVID-19 vaccination appointment? There are ample opportunities this week. Currently the following locations are offering Moderna or Pfizer for anyone over the age of 18 or 16, respectively:

  • Harris Teeter (use 29401 in the search)
  • CVS in Summerville, Hanahan, and Goose Creek (use 29445 in the search)


Anyone teaching, learning, or working on campus should complete the LiveSafe screening each day. Make it a part of your morning routine before you leave the house—some set a recurring weekday alarm on their phones as a reminder!

Remember, you may reach out to the University Pandemic Task Force at with questions or concerns. This email address is monitored Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Any emails received after 5 p.m. on Friday will be addressed on Monday.    

Stay safe, stay focused, stay healthy, and stay faithful to the Lord and His provision as we work together to continue enjoying a healthy CSU! As always, let’s spread the Word, not the virus.

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