Student Life
COVID-19 Update from the President
Thank you for your diligent response to the rise in COVID numbers on campus. Your commitment to our policies and procedures this past week helped reduce the number of people in isolation and quarantine. This success is a tremendous blessing for all of us. I thank God for you. While we are not yet where we want to be, […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentCOVID-19 Update from the President
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow yesterday morning, which means Pennsylvanians can count on 6 more weeks of winter. Thankfully, we aren’t bound by his prognostications, so we don’t have to participate in his bonus plans for winter. Thank the Lord. We all agree that every day of COVID-19 feels a little bit like Groundhog Day. But […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentCSU celebrates Black History
The celebration of Black History in America has changed drastically over the past century. In 1926, only half a century after the 13th Amendment abolished U.S. slavery, Dr. Carter G. Woodson coined the second week of February as Negro History Week. The week lines up with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass—one a presidential […]
| READ MORE: CSU celebrates Black HistoryCOVID-19 Update from the President
As we rapidly approach the end of January, we are seeing campus COVID numbers hold steady. Should we see a decline into February, we can begin ramping up the number and type of social gatherings on campus, imitating what we did in the fall. Praise the Lord! Thank you for your continued diligence in following best […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentStudent-led women’s ministry continues to grow
Render, a women’s ministry led by Charleston Southern University students, is ringing in a new year with a new leader. Junior kinesiology major Gabrielle Axson now spearheads the growing group, filling the shoes of Render’s co-founder upon her graduation. Lindsey Jester ‘20, a recent December grad, established the group with alumna Sarah Parris ‘20 who […]
| READ MORE: Student-led women’s ministry continues to growCOVID-19 Update from the President
We have successfully completed our first week back on campus and look forward to the rest of the semester with great excitement. Praise the Lord! And thanks to you for your continued diligence in following best practices as we do our part to be good neighbors in our community. As expected, our community is still […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentCOVID-19 Update from the President
We have officially kicked off the Spring 2021 semester! There’s so much to look forward to in the coming weeks and months, even in the midst of a pandemic: making memories that last a lifetime, gaining more experiences and skills to kick off your career, enjoying new spaces on campus, and, for some of you, […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentNew student lounge opens Jan. 11
A new student lounge will open to the Charleston Southern University campus on Monday, January 11—just in time for the start of the spring semester. Located on the second floor of the Student Center, the recently renovated former Gold Room meeting space will feature booths, high top tables, couches, large screen TVs and a short-order […]
| READ MORE: New student lounge opens Jan. 11COVID-19 Update from the President
Happy New Year, Bucs! Welcome back. Time to get our game faces on for one more semester. Lord willing, once this one’s in the books, we can all unmask for good. But, starting today, we’re making our way to the first of May. As we make our final preparations for this semester, it is important that everyone take a […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the PresidentCOVID-19 Update from the President
I hope your Christmas was both memorable and meaningful and that you are making plans for a Christ-honoring 2021. As promised, here’s a quick update regarding plans for the spring semester in light of the ongoing pandemic. I have continued to meet with members of the University Pandemic Task Force to monitor the status of […]
| READ MORE: COVID-19 Update from the President