Student Life
Cyberbullying has long-term effects
Technology is a large part of on-campus life. Not only is it used to research assignments or stay connected with professors, but to socialize with friends and family. Although platforms like social media and texting allow us to interact easily and spread support and love, it also allows individuals an outlet to be rude, insult […]
| READ MORE: Cyberbullying has long-term effectsCampus packs record-breaking Operation Christmas Child boxes
For eight years, Charleston Southern University students have packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child, which are distributed around the world to needy children. That first year, CSU packed 300 boxes. This year, CSU students, faculty and staff packed a record-breaking 5,248 boxes. Laurie Diel, assistant to the dean of students, prompted the campus to dream […]
| READ MORE: Campus packs record-breaking Operation Christmas Child boxesOutdoor Adventure Club gains momentum on campus
Students seeking opportunities to connect with others in the context of outdoor activities will find a fantastic community in CSU’s Outdoor Adventure Club, or OAC. The OAC boasts over 60 members and has grown rapidly since its foundation in 2017. The club holds a strong emphasis on forming community with other students. “The main purpose […]
| READ MORE: Outdoor Adventure Club gains momentum on campusClub connects students from around the world
Students from around the globe have gathered at CSU to form a community based in culture, diversity and connection. The International Club was founded in 2017 and has grown into a place for students to meet with others from their own cultures and to broaden their horizons through meaningful interactions with students from other cultures. […]
| READ MORE: Club connects students from around the worldHow to thrive in college: CSU edition
Maybe it is your first semester of college, and you are knee-deep in studying and starting to become overwhelmed. Maybe it is your fifth semester of college and you are starting to realize you never quite figured out the best way to excel in classes and not feel like you are drowning in school. Or maybe you […]
| READ MORE: How to thrive in college: CSU editionLook out for Frisbee Friday
Charleston Southern University students have formed an unofficial event based around frisbee, friendship and forming bonds with the community around CSU. Frisbee Friday meets on Friday evening each week for a massive game of ultimate frisbee, where attendance above 80 people is common. This makes Frisbee Friday one of the largest group events on campus, […]
| READ MORE: Look out for Frisbee FridayKnow Safe Shelter Areas
It’s the time of year for thunderstorms and potential tornado outbreaks. Familiarize yourself with the safe shelter areas in the buildings you frequent on campus. Prepare now, so you can act quickly in the case of dangerous weather. Storm Shelter Areas Art Building: Interior rooms, restrooms. Ashby Hall: First floor restrooms, interior walls crouch and cover. Athletic […]
| READ MORE: Know Safe Shelter AreasRepresent CSU on the Road!
Did you know that you can purchase a CSU specialty license plate in the state of South Carolina? Purchasing a CSU car tag supports student scholarships at CSU! To purchase your car tag today, go to and search for Charleston Southern University. Confidentiality laws prevent the SCDMV from releasing the names of car tag owners. Please contact Brittani Watkins at […]
| READ MORE: Represent CSU on the Road!Our Day with Dondi
Before the semester ended, Anna Menendez ’19 and Sarah Parris ’20, communication studies interns in the Office of Marketing & Communication, spent a day with President Dondi Costin. Costin takes his busy schedule in stride and said, “There’s nothing I don’t like. The challenge is what makes it fun to tell you the truth, so […]
| READ MORE: Our Day with DondiIt’s Not Rocket Science
Most earthlings never get the chance to rub elbows with a real-life rocket scientist. What those brainiacs do seems so complex that we assume only a space cadet could ever understand it. More often than not, our grasp of the galactic is limited to exposing the relative simplicity of every other task with this backhanded bow to […]
| READ MORE: It’s Not Rocket Science