Horton School of Music and Performing Arts

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HSMPA represented at SC Music Educator’s Conference

In early February, students from the Horton School of Music and Performing Arts attended the South Carolina Music Educator’s yearly conference in Columbia. The SCMEA is a corporation that hosts South Carolina music educators that advocates and encourages for quality music education for all students, according to SCMEA’s website. The yearly conference includes performances, masterclasses, […]

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Music Education at CSU

The Horton School of Music and Performing Arts has had a successful spring and summer in Music Education. This past summer, the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) held a conference in Washington, D.C. and selected two collegiate students from each state to attend. One of our music education seniors, Allie Dombkowski, was chosen to […]

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Baur wins second in nation in singing competition

On June 29, Luke Baur, a student of Dr. Jill Lewis, competed in the final round of the National Student Auditions at the National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference, winning second place overall in the nation.  The competition included the top three finalists in each category. Singers were allowed to choose one song […]

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