College of Nursing

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Happy Memorial Day?

Just a day or so ago, as I was leaving the grocery store, one of the cashiers kindly and, I’m sure, with good intentions, thanked me for shopping with them and casually said to me, “And Happy Memorial Day!” I paused for a minute, considering if I had the time, the patience or the emotional […]

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Florence’s corner and closet

Nursing school is known to be one of the most mentally challenging programs that any university offers. Through grueling coursework, labs, and hospital hours it can be hard to find a time to relax and refocus. Luckily for student nurses at Charleston Southern University, faculty members have taken the initiative to provide their nurses with […]

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Yearly simulation experience for healthcare students

Each year, CSU’s healthcare programs partner with an on-site simulation, learning to work with other healthcare personnel, simulating a real-world situation. This year’s simulation involved athletic training students assisting an athlete hurt on the field, including assessing the situation, stabilizing the athlete and transporting him to the emergency room. Nursing students take over in recording […]

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Chaplaincy and nursing: Where faith meets healthcare

What CSU program strives to provide care and healing to patients while simultaneously instilling Christianity?  If you selected C, all the above, then you are correct. The chaplaincy and nursing programs at Charleston Southern University share a common goal: provide care to those in need with Christianity at the forefront. Upon graduation, students from either […]

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Nursing student experiences medical missions in Kenya

For the summer of 2022, Margaret McElheny spent time in Chogoria, Kenya, with Samaritan’s Purse and World Medical Mission. She is a junior at Charleston Southern studying nursing.  Although she has always been interested in medical missions, this summer provided her with a unique opportunity to share the Gospel while learning what hands-on compassion ministry looks […]

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Ball named College of Nursing Dean

Dr. Vicki Ball’s specialty is teaching nursing leadership. When the position of interim dean of the CSU College of Nursing came available in January, she realized she needed to be willing to step out and lead. She planned to go back to her role as director of the Master of Science in Nursing program once a […]

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Nursing student publishes Christmas book

For the plethora of individuals who have bought one of over six million copies of The Polar Express since 1986, the traditional and nostalgic telling of Christmas books are the core factors that truly keep the spirit of Christmas thriving through generational ages. Though The Polar Express, A Christmas Carol, or even The Christmas Miracle, are prime representations of priceless literature, […]

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Overcoming homelessness: how two Bucs defied the odds

Homeless. It is a word packed with stereotypes and visuals of tent cities, stranded shopping carts by the woods, or cardboard sign-clad beggars on the street. Every night, thousands of young people experience homelessness alone in the United States. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, approximately 550,000 unaccompanied youth under the age of 24 […]

| READ MORE: Overcoming homelessness: how two Bucs defied the odds

MSN student wins statewide award

Palmetto Gold, an annual statewide nursing recognition program, awarded Charleston Southern University’s Morgan McCall as its 2021 graduate student recipient in South Carolina. McCall is the first Charleston Southern student in the Master of Science in Nursing program to receive the award—a highly competitive scholarship with graduate student nominees from the state’s public and private […]

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Nursing instructor advocates for rare disease bill

In April, nursing professor Kerri Nelson testified in a subcommittee within the House of Representatives, pushing for House Bill 3956—a bill that would establish the South Carolina Rare Disease Advisory Council within the Department of Health and Environmental Control. The bill passed through the subcommittee, the full committee and passed the majority vote in the House of Representatives. Nelson’s next […]

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