College of Christian Studies
Five CSU grads ordained on one day
Recently, Summit Church ordained five young men to the ministry, all of them graduates of Charleston Southern. Summit, which meets on the campus of Charleston Southern University, is a multigenerational congregation that disciples all ages. Nick Ballenger, executive pastor, said, “We created an initiative called Summit Labs which offers practical pastoral training, along with opportunities […]
| READ MORE: Five CSU grads ordained on one dayAlumni Q&A: Bowe Butler `05
Bowe Butler spends his days at Benefitfocus making sure the client is happy. As a delivery manager, he is involved with account project management that is client facing. His background is in ministry, working with nonprofits and groups such as Campus Outreach. Most recently he worked at Summit Church in North Carolina. But he felt a […]
| READ MORE: Alumni Q&A: Bowe Butler `05CSU hires Christian Studies dean and director of church relations
Charleston Southern University has named Dr. Ben Phillips as dean of the College of Christian Studies and Tom Clemmons as director of church relations. Prior to coming to CSU, Phillips was director of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s undergraduate program in the Texas Prison System and was associate professor of systematic theology at Southwestern’s Houston campus. […]
| READ MORE: CSU hires Christian Studies dean and director of church relationsFaculty and students engage in research projects
As we look toward the start of a new academic year, it’s a great time to recognize some of the research projects Charleston Southern professors are conducting. Undergraduate students enjoy the opportunity to interact with professors in completing research projects. Here are some of the highlights: Ricard Bordas, assistant professor of music Professor Bordas serves […]
| READ MORE: Faculty and students engage in research projects