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Science and Scripture are friends

President Dondi Costin welcomed students back to campus for the spring semester at the first Chapel service Jan. 9. Costin said, “You were made for a mission; God designed you for a purpose.” He said part of why students are at CSU is to find their purpose. He introduced speaker Dr. James Merritt who is […]

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CSU hosting Dr. Billy Kim and Korean Children’s Choir

Charleston Southern University will host Dr. Billy (Jang Hwan) Kim and the Korean Children’s Choir Wednesday, Jan. 16 in Lightsey Chapel at 11 a.m. and at the Charleston Korean United Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m.  Kim, a world-renowned evangelist and broadcaster, is often referred to as the Billy Graham of South Korea. He is pastor […]

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Christmas in a Shoebox

Yuliya Shubina told CSU students how a series of unexplainable events related to an Operation Christmas Child shoebox changed her life. She grew up in Central Asia in a closed country formerly part of Russia – in a country where it was illegal to be a Christian or to possess a Bible. As a child […]

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Breaking barriers and building bridges

The Rev. Marshall Blalock has always cared about race relations, but the night nine Christians were killed at a Bible study in Charleston at Emanuel AME Church simply because they were black changed his life. He was at CSU Oct. 24 to speak with students. Blalock is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Charleston […]

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The Waiting Life

Dr. Steven Wade, a professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a pastor, spoke in Chapel on Sept. 26 about waiting. “The Bible describes the Christian life as a life of waiting,” said Wade. Referencing Titus 2:11-14, he said there are two questions everyone needs to answer: What are you waiting on? How are you […]

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More than just your chapel-credit religion

At the opening Chapel of the academic year, President Dondi Costin challenged students saying, God wants more than just your chapel-credit religion. He wants you to have a growing relationship with Him. Costin called freshman Maysia Miles from the Wind Ensemble up to the front of the stage and said he was going to give […]

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What do you treasure?

To fully embrace the most important week of the year for Christians, international students and faculty started chapel by reading scripture in nine different languages.  Korean, Mandarin, Catalan, Italian, Afrikaans, Serbian, Spanish, Finnish and Hindi gave the student body a clear understanding of God’s message and reach beyond CSU’s campus.  The guest speaker for the […]

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Thankful God’s not like us

Author Trillia Newbell told CSU’s chapel service that she’s constantly grateful God isn’t like people. The Nashville-based mother of two and the Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention, told students, faculty and staff that “God is set apart, glorious, awesome. Even the demons know him […]

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A Valentine’s Day Chapel featured a panel of CSU staff, both single and married, that offered insight and advice for those looking for love.  Admittedly, finding the right one can be frustrating and heartbreaking. Chad Scott, assistant athletic director for student development, believes “the Lord puts people in your path.”  Major Kimberly Champagne warned that […]


Let God be God

Sharlene Stanford, who supervises 300-400 volunteers at the Orlando Union Rescue Mission, encouraged CSU students to let God reveal His purpose. “Allow His plans to take place,” said Stanford.  The Rescue Mission helps the hungry, hurting and homeless in Central Florida. They serve approximately 800 meals a day and provide housing for people who have no […]

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