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CSU plans for in-person classes this fall

Charleston Southern University intends to resume on-campus, in-person instruction for the Fall 2021 semester. According to the University Pandemic Task Force, evidence from this year’s careful adherence to classroom health protocols shows CSU classrooms among the safest spaces on campus. In fact, there are zero cases on campus at this time.  “With our campus community adhering to our BUCSAFE protocols, […]

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Alumni: Corteze Morrall ’86

Corteze Morrall is an Inventory Management Specialist ordering expendable medical supplies for the Department of Veterans Affairs hospital in Temple, Texas. He is retired from the U.S. Army as a Noncommissioned officer where he trained soldiers and was responsible for requesting and turning in of Class IX repair parts.  His 20 years in the Army included a […]

| READ MORE: Alumni: Corteze Morrall ’86

Heart Health Week kicks off Feb. 22

February is often considered the month of love, with couples sending heart emojis and sharing a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day. But did you know that February is also American Heart Health Month? That’s right. And although it may sound like an annual campaign, heart health is more important now than ever before. Not […]

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CSU Scholars Academy gives high school students a head start

High school students can get a head start on their college career through the CSU Scholars Academy at Charleston Southern University. The dual enrollment program invites high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit at only $275 per course. Offering both asynchronous online and in-person courses, the program is open to public, private, and […]

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Alumni: Diana Saillant ’06

Diana Saillant is CEO of Saillant Language Consulting which offers the Healthcare Interpreter Training course at CSU. Three cohorts have completed the course, and many participants have gone on to complete national certification. Diana is the founder and president of the Hispanic Business Association of Charleston. She has three daughters, five grandchildren, and is happily married.   Creating Saillant Language Consulting   I always wanted […]

| READ MORE: Alumni: Diana Saillant ’06

CSU named 2020 Large Business of the Year by Summerville Chamber

The Greater Summerville/Dorchester County Chamber of Commerce announced Charleston Southern University as the 2020 Large Business of the Year. This award program is designed to recognize the dedication, achievement and entrepreneurial spirit displayed by exceptional local businesses, nonprofits and individuals. Long recognized for delivering a world-class education grounded in a biblical worldview and rooted in the liberal […]

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Spanish and education student internship established

A new Spanish and Education Student Internship program between Charleston Southern University’s College of Education and Charleston Bilingual Academy/Clapham Education Group will benefit students at both institutions. The Memorandum of Understanding will offer: Classroom observation and internship opportunities for Charleston Southern students. Professional development activities for Charleston Bilingual Academy teachers and other educational personnel. Cross-curricular […]

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Vaccine available to ages 65+

DHEC announced that beginning today, February 8, any South Carolina resident aged 65 or older, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions, can begin scheduling COVID-19 vaccine appointments. You may use the following link to search for convenient locations currently accepting appointments:  According to DHEC, 81.7% of COVID-19 deaths in our state have been among this age group. […]

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Local churches team up, provide isolation care packages

Wearing a mask and staying six feet apart has become the new norm in these times of COVID-19. In its best efforts, Charleston Southern University continues to maintain safe practices in avoiding the virus by implementing certain protocols, such as the LiveSafe app, limiting gatherings, and having students wipe down their desks.  Any time a resident student […]

| READ MORE: Local churches team up, provide isolation care packages

CSU celebrates Black History

The celebration of Black History in America has changed drastically over the past century. In 1926, only half a century after the 13th Amendment abolished U.S. slavery, Dr. Carter G. Woodson coined the second week of February as Negro History Week. The week lines up with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass—one a presidential […]

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