Antonio Woods

Call Me Mister Site Coordinator
Wingo Hall

Call Me Mister

Call Me Mister is leading the way in recruiting minority male teachers for South Carolina’s classrooms. The program is designed to provide a pipeline of minority male teachers, mentors, and communities. Minority men make up less than two percent of teachers in the United States and less than one percent in South Carolina’s public elementary schools.

Vision Statement

“I am a dedicated Servant Leader who is perpetuating a sorely needed concept- Servant Leaders as role models in elementary schools.  I am devoted to planting seeds of dignity and respect in children and inspiring them to cultivate those seeds, producing a crop of unprecedented success.  I will teach reading, writing and arithmetic and progress to self-esteem, imagination, and determination.  Because of my immeasurable promise, not only have I earned your respect, I demand it!  A title is only important if ones’ character and integrity dictate its use.  When you address me, please verbalize my destiny…please do not call me by my first name…call me in reference to my great vision…call me Mister!”

For admission to the Call Me Mister Program:

1: Complete CSU’s Call Me Mister cohort application.

2: Complete the official Call Me Mister online referral application.

3: Submit the following items:

  • SAT and/or ACT score(s) and official high school transcript.
  • Two letters of recommendation:- One (1) from a teacher, guidance counselor, or principal at the high school from which the diploma was earned.- One (1) from a person of your choice who can express the student’s involvement in the community and/or potential for becoming an effective teacher.
  • Two essays:  one entitled, “Why I Want to Teach,” which will address your motivation for entering the teaching profession and the community as a teacher, and a second essay title, “How do I believe the Call Me Mister program will benefit me as a student?”
  • A Charleston Southern University/CMM application submitted to Mr. Antonio Woods, Program Director.


4: Following the submission of the above items, an interview will be scheduled with the prospective program participants to ascertain their potential for teaching and their motivation for participation in the program, as well as to provide an opportunity for clarification of any information submitted through the application process.

Program participants must meet the following guidelines and requirements:

    • Be accepted for enrollment at Charleston Southern University.
    • Apply for financial aid by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
    • Apply for the CMM program found at the official Call Me Mister website AND with the application requirements listed above.
    • Major in Elementary, Early Childhood, Music, Physical Education, Middle or Special Education, as well as Secondary Education.
    • Participate in an in-person interview.
    • Make continued satisfactory progress towards becoming accepted into the professional education program once accepted into Call Me Mister and ultimately, meet all necessary requirements for graduation and certification.
    • Misters who fail to make adequate progress in the matriculation process and/or program participation may be released from the program.
    • Actively participate in weekly or bi-weekly seminars, as well as conferences, summits, institutes, workshops, retreats, and other activities sponsored by the program.
    • Participate in field experiences under a mentor teacher at an elementary or middle school, service-learning activities, special programs and/or projects throughout the school year.
    • Complete various assignments made by the CMM Program Director.
    • Room on campus and live together as roommates with other Misters when feasible.

Once your teaching obligation with Call Me Mister has been completed, your funds provided by CMM will be forgiven. If you break the contract, change your major, fail to complete the teacher certification program, or decide not to teach in the state of South Carolina, you will be required to pay back the funds to Call Me Mister.

The purpose of the program is to increase the pool of available teachers from a diverse background, particularly among the lowest performing public schools.  Student participants are generally selected from among the underserved, socio-economically disadvantaged and educationally at-risk communities. Call Me Mister accepts students who major in Elementary, Early Childhood, Music, Physical Education, Middle or Special Education, as well as Secondary Education.

The program is HIGHLY competitive and provides financial assistance in the form of scholarships towards tuition and fees and a stipend each semester.

    • Non-Praxis Core Completion: $5,000 towards tuition and fees.

    • Praxis Core Completion: $10,000 towards tuition and fees

Misters are expected to teach in a South Carolina public school for EACH year they receive funding after they graduate.