Global Lecture Series: Yuri Cordero
Hispanic Heritage Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership Room 102-103. October 1 from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Charleston Southern University is proud to host Yuri Cordero! Ms. Cordero, Vice President of Univision, the largest Spanish-language network in America, will share excerpts from her new autobiographical book, La Virtud Del Proceso (The Virtue of The Process) at the Whitfield Center at Charleston Southern University on October 1. Arrive at 4:30PM for the event at 5:00PM. Hear how God sustained one of the most successful women in Hispanic broadcasting throughout her journey with breast cancer and recovery. A representative from the National Breast Cancer Foundation will host a table with information to access local low-cost mammogram services. CSU is proud to provide this event free to the public. Seatsare limited. Co-sponsors: Círculos de Bienestar, LLC and Saillant Language Consulting.
Spanish interpretation provided!
For questions and info contact Stephanie Levan at 843-863-7382 or slevan@csuniv.edu.