ARTS MONTH: Short Film Contest Rules and Deadline
- Theme “second chances” (Open to interpretation)
- Cell phone cameras only
- Shoot in landscape (horizontal)
- No drones
- 90 sec. (1 min. minimum – 3 min. max. including credits)
- No special effects/greenscreen (color correction only)
- Any music must be public domain or original
- Must adhere to CSU values
- Must shoot on/feature CSU campus
- Must write, cast, shoot and edit between April 10 and April 21
- Submit via wetransfer.com or other similar sharing service (google drive or youtube) to tkeating@csuniv.edu by 5 p.m. April 21st.
- Winner/s announced the following week!
Other Things to Consider:
Entries will be judged on
- Clarity of Story
- Integration of Theme/Purpose of story
- Creativity
- Technical Quality
Participation is limited to CSU students