Residence Life, Student Life

BUCSAFE Update from the President

By CSU Media | November 3, 2021

As we approach Thanksgiving, I can’t help but to give thanks to our Creator for how far we’ve come together. Thanks to a slow but steady increase in Community Immunity numbers and a decline in community COVID transmission, we have intentionally ramped up activities on campus. Buctober was a blast on Friday night, and I’m looking forward to everything November has in store. The University Pandemic Task Force has approved every event submitted by students and employees in recent weeks, and, should COVID numbers remain low, that welcome trend will continue. Thanks for your patience and persistence as we travel this path. 

I encourage any Buccaneer who has not yet uploaded proof of vaccination or a recent recovery from COVID to the secure CSU Community Immunity form to do so now. In fact, TODAY you can drop by a table outside of the Dining Hall between 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. to upload on the spot and get some CSU swag. The first 20 people to upload receive an Amazon gift card. And, for TODAY ONLY, anyone who has uploaded their documentation from the summer through 2 p.m. today is eligible for an additional drawing of CSU sweatshirts and Buc Bucks. These bucks are useable at any dining facility on campus as well as the campus bookstore. 

If we get to 70% Community Immunity and community transmission rates remain low, CSU will become mask optional. We may get that mask burning party after all. Can I get a witness?  

Remember, our next big drawing is on Monday, November 8, where we’ll give away more gift cards AND another $2,000 scholarship. To be eligible for the drawing, upload your proof of vaccination here

Our Numbers

Here are our numbers as of November 2, 2021: 

    Of these 18 students, 1 is being housed on campus,  and 17 are isolating off campus. 
    Of these 18 students, 1 is being housed on campus,  and 17 are quarantining off campus.  

ISOLATION is reserved for actively symptomatic or known positive cases, and QUARANTINE is reserved for those who have been identified as a close contact of someone who is positive or who has symptoms. People in QUARANTINE are NOT ill – we are simply watching them to ensure they do not become symptomatic. LEARN MORE

Community Immunity Status

As of November 3, 2021:

  • Students: 34.7%
  • Faculty and Staff: 67%
  • TOTAL: 38.8%

Our goal is to reach 70% community immunity on campus, which includes proof of vaccination and/or evidence of natural immunity among those who have recently been infected with COVID-19. Natural immunity includes those who have had a positive COVID test July 1, 2021, or later. 

Health Resources

Fetter Health Care, our on-campus healthcare partner, is in the Student Center lot every Wednesday from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. In addition to walk-up appointments for your medical needs, Fetter offers immunizations and rapid testing with advance notice. To book vaccines, COVID tests, or to schedule an appointment off campus, call 843-466-6129. 

SCDHEC and MAKO Medical continues to offer convenient and FREE PCR testing under the white tent in the football stadium parking lot.  The opportunity is available  from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. every weekday.  

For those with recent positive results from a SCDHEC testing site and in need of paper/digital proof, call 888-697-9004 between 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. or contact them online to have the results emailed or mailed. You can submit that proof to get us to our Community Immunity goal! 
Please  continue to reach out to Dr. Laurel  Glover  if you’re experiencing symptoms, have been exposed to the virus, or otherwise find it necessary to pursue testing. Do NOT go to class or to work if you feel sick.  Take care of yourself and others by staying home.   

Event and Meeting Guidelines

In planning any event  on or off  campus, employees and students must submit  their proposal at least two weeks prior via  the  Event  Form.  Please do not email your event to the task force. It is important to submit via the application link in order to receive a timely response.  

  • Visitors may not attend events at CSU,  with the exception of the Office of Enrollment and outdoor sporting events.
  • Lightsey Chapel’s maximum capacity for chapel and other events is set to 375 (25% of seating).
  • All campus meetings are highly recommended to be conducted virtually for now.  For any meetings that must be conducted in person,  please host outdoors. 


I’m thankful for the opportunity to hear our Bucs sing praises to the King of Kings in this morning’s CSU Chapel. If you can’t make it in person, I hope you will join us online. Our very own One Accord Gospel Choir will be leading us in worship at 11 a.m. Just as their name suggests, let’s live in one accord as we glorify the Lord.  

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV) 

As always, Bucs, let’s spread the Word, not the virus.  

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