College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Theatre Alumni Spotlight

By Kayla Brewington | October 4, 2024

Hello! My name is Kayla Brewington and I’m a 2015 CSU graduate with a degree in Communications (emphasis Theatre) and a minor in Psychology. 

While in university, the Theatre department was a second home, a safe space for all; I’m sure my fellow Theatre graduates as well as current thespians can relate. Not only did Keating’s classes prepare and challenge me as a performer – they also taught me how to relate to, and empathize with, those to whom I had no prior connection. It’s a skill I’ve carried into adulthood, far past my graduation date. 

Since school, I’ve become TEFL-certified and hope to one day teach English to ESL students. Though this is a different avenue than I initially envisioned for my life, it’s an occupation my degree has well prepared me for. I have a feeling that the things I learned in the Theatre program – such as the ability to remain present in a moment regardless of outside factors, or the drive to finish a job to the best of my capability – will one day come in handy regardless of where life takes me. 

As far as where I am now: I got married to my best friend while still in university and we have two incredible children! And though I have dabbled in community theatre now and then, I am by no means on my way to Broadway. And while I may have been devastated to hear this as the high school theatre kid who longed for stage lights to illuminate her life, I now find joy and peace in what I believe has been God’s preparation for where He wants me to be.

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