Nielsen College of Business

Setting standards at the beginning of your leadership role

By Anthony White Jr. | July 27, 2023

Do you wonder why some companies are consistently successful and others aren’t? A deciding factor in the success of a company is its leadership.

At Charleston Southern University there are several options to help you learn how to be an excellent leader. A Master of Arts in organizational leadership is one option to help you learn how to set standards at the beginning of your leadership role.

Your First Leadership Role

Obtaining your first leadership position is an exciting time. You want to make sure the job gets done but also demonstrate your value as a leader. With a degree in organizational leadership, you will learn indispensable lessons that will enhance your leadership. You will be ready to lead in the workplace.

Lead By Example

If you are new to a leadership role, you will want to earn respect from your employees. To earn respect, you must lead by example, be willing to adapt to change, and clearly communicate.

Leading by example involves multiple efforts to get things right. You must consistently work hard, adapt to change, and show your employees you are open to suggestions. Arguably, the most important factor in setting standards for your leadership role involves communication. Positive, clear communication should encourage all employees to follow accordingly.

The Want Factor

You must make sure your employees understand that you are absolutely committed to their growth. You can do so by being a servant leader. Zia-ur-Rehman says servant leadership is worrying less about yourself and more about sharing authority and trying to improve the performance of others.

Servant leadership is something you must want to do. You cannot fake caring about someone’s needs. More importantly, you must follow through with any promises made to keep the trust of your employees. Lack of follow-through is the beginning of a toxic work environment.

Leading Through Failures and Successes

When setting standards, you must leave room for failure. When leaders fail, their mistakes are magnified. Take responsibility and find a way to correct the issue.

In turn, leaders need to be cognizant that employees will make mistakes too. A leader’s job is to help their employees learn from their mistakes.

Leaders must also know how to lead their employees when they achieve successes. Show appreciation.

Celebrating your staff will motivate them to continue to be successful. The more creative you are with your appreciation the more engaged and positive employees will be.

Set the Standard

Knowing how to lead in a new position will immediately set you apart from other leaders. CSU’s organizational leadership program will equip you with the knowledge that will propel you ahead of your peers. Allow the professors to share their insight. Work alongside your classmates to gain leadership experience that you can immediately apply in your workplace. This knowledge is in reach. It is only an application away.

Anthony White Jr. is an assistant men’s basketball coach at Charleston Southern University. He has been involved in higher education athletics going on five years. He is currently working toward a Master of Arts in organizational leadership.


Zia-ur-Rehman, M., Shah, S. U., & Khokhar, A. M. (2022). Impact of Servant Leadership and Organizational Culture on Work Engagement: An Empirical Analysis. Global Social Sciences Review, VII(II), 23-33.

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