Nielsen College of Business

How to gain respect as a young leader

By Peyton Thompson | November 30, 2024

Organizations are starting to bring younger people into leadership roles sooner. Often, young leaders are looked down upon because of their age. Other employees may respect them less because they believe that they lack experience. If you are a young leader, it is possible to gain the respect of those around you; it may just take more effort.

Here are five ways to gain respect as a young leader:

Establish Credibility

Establishing credibility is one of the most vital steps when it comes to gaining respect, especially for young leaders. In order to do this, you have to show your team that they can trust you.

One way to build trust is by being a man or woman of your word. If you say you are going to do something, make sure you do it. Make sure your actions always align with your words.

Set goals for yourself and your team, share the goals with your team, and achieve those goals as quickly as possible. This allows you to build trust with those around you. It also shows them that you can get things done.

Add Value

As a young leader, you must add value to your team as quickly as possible. Young leaders can make up for their lack of experience by adding value to their teams.

Go above and beyond your required responsibilities. Be efficient and perform well but also build relationships with those around you. It is important to get to know your team on a personal level.

Show them that you care about their well-being.

Be a servant leader. Put the needs of the team before your personal needs. People are more likely to respect a leader who shows that they genuinely care about them. 

Lead by Example

Set the standard for your team. Model the behavior you want to see from your employees. This starts by being a good example.

Always give your best. Hard work breeds trust. If your team sees that you are giving your best, it will encourage them to do the same.

Treat Others with Respect

In order to gain the respect of those you are leading, you have to apply the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Before you try and earn the respect of others you have to show that you respect them as well. No matter how well you perform, if people do not feel that you respect them, they will not respect you.

  • Be kind to those around you.
  • Be empathetic.
  • Listen to your team.
  • Show them that you care about what they think.
  • Be grateful.
  • Show gratitude to your team members every chance you get.

These are all actions that show that you respect someone. Once you establish that you respect your team, your team’s respect is likely to follow in return.

Give and Ask for Honest Feedback

It is important that all leaders give honest feedback. For young leaders who are trying to earn the trust and respect of their team, it is just as important that they ask for feedback.

Asking for feedback shows that you care about the opinions of your team members. Leaders are not perfect. Admitting that you have flaws and showing that you want to grow will create a level of respect between you and your team.


Following these five principles is a step in the right direction to gaining the respect of your team. These steps are especially beneficial to young leaders.

Peyton Thompson is a fifth year senior and captain of the volleyball team at Charleston Southern University. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in organizational leadership.

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