Marketing and Communication

Cyber Security Month

By Kaitlyn Conner | October 28, 2024

Cyber Security is important for all people, but especially college students. During college student’s growth, they take on more financial tasks, which often require more online access to banking programs.

Discussing cyber security can often be scary and overwhelming, but here are a few quick tips to stay safe online.


1: Create unique passwords and keep them protected.

Using different passwords increases your chances of keeping your accounts safe. Another technique is refraining from putting passwords in online platforms such as notes and other password managing programs.

2. Multi-factor identification.

Using multi-factor identification can be a hassle but could prevent an ever-larger hassle if your data gets stolen.

3. Avoid public WIFI.

Many hackers target college students because they are usually at coffee shops and often unaware of internet scams. Using a personal hotspot or a device without personal data increases your chances of keeping your data secure.

4. Do not respond.

Security outlined,” If you see a suspicious email, do not respond. If it requires immediate action or sounds too good to be true, delete the email.”

5. Do not overshare.

“During an age of social media, students are way too tempted to post anything and everything online. Remember to consider your school’s policies and values before posting.” Also, try not to post in real-time if possible. Even private accounts provide the opportunity for others to see what you are up to. Posting later ensures that if anyone is watching your accounts, you will be long gone before they arrive.

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