Lowcountry Living, Security

Be prepared: hurricanes

By Jan Joslin | October 1, 2024

Between June 1 and November 30, eyes of native and longtime residents of South Carolina turn toward the Atlantic. The Emergency Operations Center at Charleston Southern University keeps a close watch on any system that could remotely look like a hurricane. Before and during hurricane season, it’s always a good idea to brush up on tips and tricks to prepare for a major storm. Below are a few ways to do just that.

Stay Informed

  • The campus is informed via BucAlert and email regarding major weather events. Be sure that you are receiving communication to your CSU email address and phone number.
  • Campus communication is also posted regularly on the website and social media.
  • Follow the National Weather Service on social media for the latest on the tropics.

Make an Evacuation Plan

Though hurricanes can and do happen, it is more likely that our area will experience tropical storm weather events. In many cases, our campus may cancel classes, close offices, and ask our campus family to shelter in place.

Should the forecast be severe enough, CSU will give notice of mandatory evacuation. Residents will need to form a plan on where to go if their families are not local. Determine how best to protect yourself! Link up with roommates going more inland, find a host family, and make the plan BEFORE a hurricane heads this way.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

If you must evacuate, make a list of what you will want to take with you. This is also helpful if you are on campus and need to shelter in place.


  • Water – Experts suggest a three-day supply of one gallon per person per day. 
  • First aid kit – This should contain ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, adhesive bandages, antibiotic/burn ointment, sterile gauze pads, etc. A really good kit includes a first aid handbook!
  • Cell phone
  • Charged power banks
  • Prescription medications, if needed
  • Extra clothing
  • Food with a long shelf life – canned goods with pop tops, prepackaged items that need no refrigeration
  • Extra blankets or pillows
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Extra pair of contacts or eyeglasses, if needed
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Emergency contacts labeled in your cell phone
  • Extra set of car keys
  • Cash and change
  • Waterproof matches or candles
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Face mask – N95 rating
  • Form of personal identification
  • Gallon-sized resealable bag/tote to keep important documents safe
  • Plastic bin to keep everything safe and contained
  • Extras
  • Heavy-duty gloves
  • Sturdy, closed-toe shoes
  • Scissors
  • Tent/tarp
  • Area map
  • Books, playing cards, games, paper, pens, etc.
  • If you aren’t going somewhere already stocked: toilet paper, bar soap, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, trash bags, bath towels, plates/cups/bowls, utensils, camping stove, etc.

Check and restock your emergency kit every six months to ensure nothing has expired. The Emergency Operations Center on campus has a Full Emergency Response Plan where you can find Quick Tips on how to respond during specific emergencies at CSU, as well as a list of the best shelters on campus.

For more information on how you can prepare for any disaster, visit ready.gov and redcross.org.

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