Nielsen College of Business

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The importance of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is imperative for employee effectiveness. When employees are unhappy, they disengage. Over time, their productivity declines. Sometimes, employees will turn in shoddy work without a second thought. However, when employees are satisfied with their roles, they give their all to the organization. The importance of job satisfaction is undeniable. Employees who are satisfied […]

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How to be successful as a leader

Influence and leadership are synonymous terms. Good leaders not only have influence based on their job titles but also they establish it through the way they lead others. Leadership can be a challenging role to navigate. Leader vs. Manager Not to be mistaken with management, leadership is key to organizational success. As a manager, there […]

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Four ways to effectively delegate

Part of being a great leader is learning how to delegate effectively. When leaders spend too much time on smaller projects, it distracts from the bigger picture. Empowering is a great way to offset the pressure and use that time for more valuable tasks. Admitting your limitations, identifying the best person for the job, setting […]

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How to recognize a toxic work environment

Working in a toxic environment is not only bad for the employee but also for the company. Some of the things that can make a workplace toxic are lack of cultural diversity, a corrupt culture, poor leadership, poor communication, and favoritism.  Does your Organization Lack Cultural Diversity? It’s important that management consists of diverse team […]

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Internships help prepare you for your future

Within the past few years, Charleston Southern has been expanding on the Experiential Learning Initiative. With how things have changed with this aspect of CSU’s curriculum, it may be confusing to keep up with what it exactly entails. With that being said, this will be an explanation of what lies ahead for students when going […]

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Why does a good leader have to be a good communicator?

Becoming a good leader is a journey, not a destination. What do all good leaders have in common? They master the art of communication. Understanding the importance of communication is essential to your success as a leader. By obtaining a Master of Arts in organizational leadership from Charleston Southern, you will enhance your ability to […]

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A guide to becoming a CEO

A question that young children are often asked is, “what do you want to be when you grow up”? It is improbable that they will answer, I want to be a CEO. Most children grow up to earn a high school diploma; some will earn a bachelor’s degree and then enter the workforce. What happens […]

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Identifying differences between a boss and a leader

The differences between a boss and a leader can be confusing. However, these two roles differ in their missions, as well as their methods. A boss only manages employees. A leader, on the other hand, is there to inspire them, to innovate, to motivate, and to help employees reach their potential. If you are unsure […]

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Setting standards at the beginning of your leadership role

Do you wonder why some companies are consistently successful and others aren’t? A deciding factor in the success of a company is its leadership. At Charleston Southern University there are several options to help you learn how to be an excellent leader. A Master of Arts in organizational leadership is one option to help you […]

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How to be a servant-minded in business

The concept of servant leadership has been the key to success for many organizations. Companies have experienced the positive effects of leading by putting others first. When servant leadership is practiced in an organization, employees are committed to the company’s vision and mission. How do servant leaders consistently inspire their people to give their best […]

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