Nielsen College of Business

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How to create a team that is adaptable and change-friendly

The business environment is rapidly transforming. Adaptable teams succeed more often than those that are rigid and unwilling to change.The world needs business leaders who are friendly toward change. Teams that can pivot quickly can easily capitalize on opportunities. The pandemic left enterprises rethinking their business strategies. Adaptable companies became even more profitable through the […]

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Project management at CSU

You may wonder when it comes to a project, who are the brains behind the operations? The answer is project managers. Project management is a career that allows professionals to plan, organize, execute, and oversee projects that are needed to make companies successful. At Charleston Southern University, we offer a Project Management master’s degree program […]

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Five leadership skills to master

I am not wired to be a leader. I never saw myself as someone who could be in charge of a group of people. When I became a Sergeant in the Army, I grew my abilities and learned how to effectively lead a team. This was due to years of developing my skills as well […]

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How to make and achieve goals

Are you having trouble accomplishing your goals? Do you feel like you keep making the wrong decisions or missing out on valuable opportunities? First let’s talk about faith and financial goals: When you set a financial faith, goal is it important to do some process thinking. Process thinking is a focus on fully executing each step of […]

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Tithing as a college student

Before we can jump into the conversation about tithing, we need to define the term, tithe. Tithing carries the formal definition of giving 10 percent to the local church in order to support it. It can feel like a rule, a burden, and a good deed. This definition however is vague in the sense that […]

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Three skills employees want from leaders

To be an effective leader, you need interpersonal skills. Employees are looking for leaders who are willing to help them develop at work. Leaders should practice building their interpersonal skills to motivate employees. The fastest way to grow as a leader is to go back to school. Charleston Southern University has a great Master of […]

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Giving and receiving constructive criticism

Criticism is difficult from either side of the table. No matter how you are delivering criticism it can be stressful. The person giving the criticism likely doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or lose your trust. When you are the person receiving the criticism, your mind tends to want to go into fight or flight […]

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How to lead from the sideline

Do you feel like you are on the sideline at work? Are you new to your workplace? Do you lack experience in your current role but have the initiative to further your organization’s mission? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should be managing up. According to Harvard Business Review, managing up […]

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What are companies looking for in future leaders?

Future Leaders Leadership is an ever-growing topic in the workforce. Benjamin Laker discussed the importance of leadership in his book The Future Leader. This book explores what the top CEOs from companies all over the world are looking for in skills and mindset. The traits discussed in the book, referred to as the “Notable Nine,” are […]

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Life after a business leadership degree

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Where can you go with a Master of Arts in organizational leadership from Charleston Southern University? Anywhere you can imagine. The degree is accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, and the program offers flexibility to working professionals with options to earn your leadership degree in a traditional classroom […]

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