Nielsen College of Business

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Studying abroad changed senior NCOB student, Hannah Lilly

For as long as I can remember, it has been a dream of mine to travel. What I didn’t realize at a young age, was that my dream would become reality thanks to the CSU study abroad program. Interestingly, the Lord connected me with Stephanie LeVan, the university’s study abroad director, prior to my freshman […]

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Steps to becoming a more flexible leader

Over the last few years, the way we view leadership has shifted. One effect of the coronavirus pandemic is that jobs have been changing, evolving, contracting, and vanishing, while technology is evolving quickly. Flexibility is necessary. Leaders need to be adaptable since change is frequent and unavoidable. A lesson that many Master’s programs in leadership tend […]

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Five financial New Year’s resolutions you should have

It’s that time of year again! Lots of shopping, holiday parties, traveling, and of course eating. While this time of year is (in theory) supposed to be fun and all holly-jolly, it actually causes a lot of stress in people’s financial lives. Many people (including myself) find themselves spending too much money on gifts or […]

| READ MORE: Five financial New Year’s resolutions you should have

How to gain respect as a young leader

Organizations are starting to bring younger people into leadership roles sooner. Often, young leaders are looked down upon because of their age. Other employees may respect them less because they believe that they lack experience. If you are a young leader, it is possible to gain the respect of those around you; it may just […]

| READ MORE: How to gain respect as a young leader

How to lead a team with diverse values, beliefs, and backgrounds

One way to evaluate a leader is to see him or her in the light of hope, compassion, stability, and trust. Hope is the belief in a better future, which helps people remain focused. When a leader conveys hope, it encourages the team members to meet their goals. Compassion demonstrates the ability to listen to […]

| READ MORE: How to lead a team with diverse values, beliefs, and backgrounds

Financial tips for the holiday season

The holidays are quickly approaching, and so are all the fun things that come along with them! Baking cookies, building gingerbread house, observing Christmas lights, hosting parties, ice skating, and watching cheesy Hallmark movies are some that I look forward to every year. Of course, you can’t forget about the shopping and gift-giving! It’s a […]

| READ MORE: Financial tips for the holiday season

Setting short-term and long-term leadership goals

There may not be an I in team, but there is an I in disengaged. What does this have to do with leadership? Well, regardless of what, why, and where you lead, you—as the leader—are directly responsible for the engagement of those who follow you. Whether you’re leading a family, a class, or a corporation, leadership means inspiring others […]

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Ethics and values in leadership

Ethics and values should be visible in every aspect of a leader’s life. Influential leaders recognize how important values and ethics are. They behave in ways that inspire others. Values Values are often defined as a person’s significant beliefs. Everyone has a collection of core values. Values and ethics do not exist separately from each […]

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What kind of leader are you?

Everyone has to lead at some point in their life. The experience may come to you at home, through a volunteer opportunity, or in a neighborhood group. Ideally, you will know how to be an effective leader in each event. Understanding the various leadership styles will be an important step to know which style to […]

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How to ask for help as a leader

Do you want to be a better leader? Do you question whether you should ask others for help? If the answer is yes, look no further than the following three steps. 1.  Acknowledge Your Weaknesses You are human. It’s (almost) impossible to be an expert in all areas. By acknowledging your weaknesses, you are being vulnerable. […]

| READ MORE: How to ask for help as a leader