Center for Personal Financial Management

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What is this ‘Robinhood’ thing?

Center for Personal Financial Management Peer Coaches are not professionally trained advisors or accountants; we cannot provide specific financial advice or certify tax returns.  All counsel given is only educated advice. We’ve all heard of the parable of the talents.  You know, the one with the servants who are given funds by their master and […]

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How college students can budget in 5 effective steps

Many college students get stuck when trying to budget because they don’t have a set income. It is not uncommon for college students to pick up odd jobs to make some spending money. However, it is a good idea to start yourself a “nest egg” for when you graduate and have life thrown at you. […]

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How to make and achieve goals

Are you having trouble accomplishing your goals? Do you feel like you keep making the wrong decisions or missing out on valuable opportunities? First let’s talk about faith and financial goals: When you set a financial faith, goal is it important to do some process thinking. Process thinking is a focus on fully executing each step of […]

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Tithing as a college student

Before we can jump into the conversation about tithing, we need to define the term, tithe. Tithing carries the formal definition of giving 10 percent to the local church in order to support it. It can feel like a rule, a burden, and a good deed. This definition however is vague in the sense that […]

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