Alumni Q&A: Jeff Christmas `02
Jeff Christmas is currently a manager at Boeing South Carolina plant over the wiring team in Building 20 Cell 30. He has been an avionics technician for Boeing, and he is also a U.S. Army veteran.
Q. What are some of the skills you learned at CSU that have benefited you the most?
I learned how to prioritize, work hard and do my best in everything that I do.
Q. What faculty members impacted you?
Dr. Amie Scheidegger and Dr. Beth McConnell stayed on me and pushed me to do my best, and I thank them for it.
Q. What do you think has been the biggest contributor to your success?
I really worked hard during that time in my life to complete my degree. I carried that hard work over to how I work every day in my life. My time in the Army also helped develop my skills and hard work into what I bring to work every day in my life.