Your Future in Mathematics

At Charleston Southern, the emphasis in mathematics is actively doing mathematics rather than passively watching mathematics. Classes for mathematics majors are typically small (<20), and the courses focus on developing conceptualization and analytics through processes. The coursework for mathematics begins with Calculus I and includes solid theoretical and applied preparation in each area of traditional undergraduate mathematical study. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary skills for a successful career in your chosen field, while also providing you with a solid foundation for the continued study of mathematics or computer science at the postbaccalaureate level.

Charleston Southern University’s accreditation can be found here.


With a CSU mathematics degree, you will develop strong analytical skills desired by tech companies and graduate schools and build competency in applied, abstract and theoretical mathematics.

As a Mathematics major, you’ll take courses like…

  • Calculus I, II & III
  • Abstract Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Probability Theory
  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics
  • General Physics I & II
  • Principles of Microeconomics

Graduates are equipped for a variety of career paths.

  • Actuary
  • Biomathematics
  • Industrial Management
  • Statistics
  • Market Analysis
  • Banking
  • Insurance Firms

Students in a lab injecting a chemical into a vile.

College of Science and Mathematics

Charleston Southern’s College of Science and Mathematics ensures through its curricula and course offerings that students in all majors demonstrate an understanding of the continuing role of science and mathematics in human progress. In addition, it provides majors in science and science related fields with the necessary skills for successful careers in their chosen major or for further study in graduate school or professional programs.

An outside view of the entrance to Ashby Hall .
explore our facilities

Ashby Hall

Ashby Hall houses classrooms, labs, computer labs, an auditorium and faculty offices for math and computer science. Named for H. E. Ashby.

University News

CSU pivots to online learning for Wednesday
Campus Wide

CSU pivots to online learning for Wednesday

In anticipation of severe weather tomorrow, March 5, Charleston Southern University will c…

Continue reading: CSU pivots to online learning for Wednesday
Top OCC packers take shoeboxes to children
Campus Wide

Top OCC packers take shoeboxes to children

Each year the CSU student who packs the most Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes is invite…

Continue reading: Top OCC packers take shoeboxes to children