Your Future in Aeronautics

Are you interested in an exciting career in aviation and aerospace? With rapid growth in aviation and aerospace business in and near South Carolina, to include major aircraft manufacturers Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream (GA), and the rise of commercial space travel, advanced air mobility and unmanned aerial systems, the opportunities to participate, lead, and work in the industry are endless.

Aviation and Aerospace companies and related businesses do over $30 billion in revenue each year; aviation and aerospace account for almost 7% of gross domestic product (GDP) in the U.S. alone!

As a graduate of CSU’s Aeronautics – Aerospace Management (BS) degree program, you will earn a business degree with a focus in aerospace and learn invaluable leadership and management skills that will not only get you on the right track, but keep you there as you progress, learn, and grow in one of the most exciting and dynamic industries

Program Information:

  • Foundational aeronautics instruction, including aviation training, safety, meteorology, business and law
  • Opportunities to participate in leadership seminars
  • Internship opportunities

Graduates of the Aerospace Management program will be equipped with the knowledge and skills for small business ownership and leadership or work as mid-level management with a major aviation or aerospace company.


CSU hosts many airline recruiters and industry partners at career events during the semester, though there are no formal flow-through agreements at this time. Through our aeronautics career events, many of our students have interviewed with and been accepted into cadet/apprenticeship programs at various regional airlines, and the aviation industry is booming (see this article from Boeing

The Aeronautics course catalog lists all the courses with descriptions.

The example curriculum roadmap is published on this page under “View Program Overview.”

Click on the “Transfer Equivalency Guide” on this link to see the current Liberal Art Core requirements:

See Policy R-18 at this link:

There is no minimum flight experience requirement to apply.

Normally, aeronautics classes have 15-30 students.


Charleston Southern University’s accreditation can be found here.

Begin Your Aerospace Career

The State of South Carolina's only Aerospace Management program, designed to provide opportunities in one of the regions premier aviation, aerospace, or manufacturing companies.

As an Aerospace Management major, you’ll take courses like…

  • FAA Ground and Flight Training
  • Aviation Safety & Safety Management Systems
  • Airport Management
  • Global Navigation 
  • Aviation Regulation & Law
  • Aerodynamics

Graduates are equipped for a variety of career paths.

  • Aviation or Aerospace Management
  • Business Leadership
  • Pedigree for Master’s or Law Degree in Aviation
  • Commercial or Military Pilot
  • General Business Management
Students in a lab injecting a chemical into a vile.

The College of Science and Mathematics

Charleston Southern’s College of Science and Mathematics ensures through its curricula and course offerings that students in all majors demonstrate an understanding of the continuing role of science and mathematics in human progress. In addition, it provides majors in science and science related fields with the necessary skills for successful careers in their chosen major or for further study in graduate school or professional programs.

A view of the Science Building, take from a drone, at CSU.
explore our facilities

Science Building

The Science building allows all students access to up-to-date laboratories and modern equipment for teaching. 

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