
Shannon Kiser Headshots

Shannon Kiser

Pre-Nursing Advisor
Nursing Building

Admissions Office

Hunter Center
9200 University Blvd., Charleston SC 29406

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing

The 18-month-long accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) is designed for those with a minimum of 58-60 credit hours of previous college credit or an earned bachelor’s degree in another field. This concentrated program will prepare you to meet the healthcare needs of a diverse society. Classes will be offered asynchronous online with required on campus days. Labs will be held on CSU’s campus on weekday evenings and clinical rotations will be in Charleston area hospitals on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Nursing students in a simulation lab working on a mannequin patient

Admissions Requirements

Step 1: Complete the general admission process to CSU

Two options:

  • If requirements are completed, apply for the Summer II semester. Submit ALL official transcripts to the Admissions office for review. All applicants must be accepted to CSU with official transcripts before reviewed.
  • If requirements are not complete, apply to CSU earlier to complete all of your prerequisites at the university.

Step 2: Complete the CSU accelerated BSN application process online

Once you have applied to CSU and your major is confirmed, you must complete the required next
steps to submit the ABSN program application.

Instructions will follow for next steps and if you are chosen for an interview.

Official transcripts may be submitted for review through April 1.

Accelerated BSN Eligibility

Prospective students are eligible to complete the ABSN application when meeting the following criteria:

  • General admission to Charleston Southern University
  • GPA of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale in all pre-nursing prerequisite courses with a “C” or higher in each course
  • The completion of required math and science prerequisites must be within 5 years of application date, or within 10 years if applicant has a Bachelor of Science degree.
  • Two letters of recommendation (preferred)

1. English (6 hours)

  • ENGL 111- English Composition and Rhetoric (3 hours) and
  • ENGL 112- English Composition and Rhetoric II (3 hours)

2.  Communication (3 hours)

  • COMM 110 Public Speaking (3 hours)

3. Foreign Language (3 hours for pre-professional tracks)

  • Any one language class, from 101-202 depending on placement testing.
  • *For CSU graduates who graduated prior to 2017,  213 will be accepted (Literature in Translation)

4.  Computer and Information Sciences (Choose 3-4 hours)

  • CSCI 210- Introduction to Computer Science through Robotics (3 hours)
  • CSCI 211- Introduction to Computers for Business Applications (3 hours)
  • CSCI 215- Programming in Alice (3 hours)
  • CSCI 217- Business Application Programming (4 hours)
  • Or another approved/required computer course

5.  Culture, Humanities, Fine Arts, and Literature (12 hours)

  • History (Choose 3 hours): HIST 111-Perspectives on World Civilizations (3 hours), HIST 112- Perspectives on World Civilizations II (3 hours), HIST 113- Perspectives on World Civilizations III (3 hours)
  • Another History (3 hours) or CHST 140- Introduction to Philosophy (3 hours) or POLI 201- American National Government (3 hours)
  • Fine Arts (Choose 3 hours): ART 202- Art Appreciation (3 hours), THEA 218 Statecraft and Design (3 hours), THEA 211- Introduction to the Theatre (3 hours), MUSI 171- Music Appreciation (3 hours), MUSI 371- Music History and Literature I (3 hours)
  • Literature (Choose 3 hours): ENGL 202- Survey of American Literature (3 hours), ENGL 203-Survey of English Literature I (3 hours), or ENGL 204 Survey of English Literature II (3 hours)

6.  Social and Behavioral Sciences (Choose 3 hours)

  • PSYC 110- General Psychology (3 hours)
  • SOCI 101- Principles of Sociology (3 hours)

7.  Mathematics and Natural Science (22 hours)

  • Mathematics (3 hours): Math 105- Introduction to Mathematical Structures (3 hours) or higher
  • Lab Sciences:
    • CHEM 110 Concepts of Chemistry with Lab (4 hours)
    • BIOL 226 & 227 Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab I and II (8 hours)
    • BIOL 220 Microbiology with Lab (4 hours)
    • BIOL 345 Nutrition (3 hours)
    • NURS 260 Lifespan Development (3 hours)
    • PSYCH 301 or PSYCH 305 Behavioral Statistics or other approved/required statistics course

Total minimum Liberal Arts Core Hours: 58-60 credit hours


Letters of recommendation, a personal interview and additional health and ability requirements may be required if student moves forward in the application process.

Tuition Cost

View Tuition & Costs here.


18 months, 5 semesters. ONLY starting in Summer II.

Contact Information

Your enrollment counselor will be your reference for any questions regarding admissions, financial aid, housing and to submit any documents during the application process. Admissions coordinates with the College of Nursing during this process.

If you have admissions-related questions, please contact


  • NURS 104 – Basic Pathophysiology (3 hours)

3 credit hours

  • NURS 203 – Health Assessment Lecture/Lab (4 hours)
  • NURS 218 – Fundamentals Lecture/Lab/Clinical (5 hours)
  • NURS 223 – Clinical Pharmacological Concepts III (4 hours)

13 credit hours

  • NURS 231 – Adult Health I Lecture/Clinical (5 hours)
  • NURS 327 – Psychiatric/Mental Health Lecture/Clinical (4 hours)

9 credit hours

  • NURS 326 – Maternal/Child Lecture/Clinical (6 hours)
  • CHST 111 or CHST 112 – Old or New Testament (3 hours)

9 credit hours

  • NURS 331 – Adult Health II Lecture/Clinical (5 hours)
  • CHST 111 or CHST 112 – Old or New Testament (3 hours)
  • NURS 325 – Gerontological Nursing (2 hours)

10 credit hours

  • NURS 409 – Community Health Nursing Lecture/Clinical (4 hours)
  • NURS 405 Research (3 hours)

7 credit hours

  • NURS 429 – Capstone for Accelerated BSN (3 hours)
  • NURS 431 – Adult Health III (4 hours)
  • NURS 407 – Leadership/Management for ABSN (4 hours)

8 credit hours

  • NURS 432 – Adult Health IV Immersion Lecture/Clinical (5 hours)

5 credit hours

University Christian Studies – 6
Nursing credit hours – 61
Total credit hours required for graduation – 67
Clinical hours – 675
Prerequisite hours – 58-60