Physical Therapy Program

Health Science Building – PT Wing
9200 University Blvd., Charleston, SC 29406

Program Outcomes

Licensure Pass Rate

The licensure pass rate is calculated as the percentage of graduates who take and successfully pass the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE) as provided by the Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). This data will be published once this information becomes available for the first graduating class.

Graduation Rate

The graduation rate is calculated as the percentage of students who are matriculated in the first course in the professional program after the drop/add period and who complete the program. This data will be published once this information becomes available for the first graduating class.

Employment Rate

The employment rate is calculated as the percentage of graduates who sought employment that were employed (full-time or part-time) as a physical therapist within 1 year following graduation. This data will be published once this information becomes available for the first graduating class.

Acceptance & Matriculation Rates

Class of 2024Class of 2025Class of 2026
Acceptance Rate50.23%50.45%61.79%
Matriculation Rate44.44%43.24%36.64%