Explore the College of Education

Great teachers inspire; they educate our hearts and minds, feed our curiosity and drive us to think critically. Those skills are at the heart of what has made Charleston Southern University’s College of Education (and our alumni) so successful.

The College of Education prepares professional educators who, guided by a strong sense of community and the integration of their faith, are academically strong, skilled and morally committed to educating in a wide range of culturally diverse learning environments. Your purpose? That’s our mission.

Students in our degree programs at Charleston Southern University receive an excellent liberal arts core curriculum, professional education courses, experiential learning and content specialty courses.

Located in one of the fastest growing areas of the United States, Charleston Southern University sits central within the Charleston metro area — which offers four school districts available for student teaching, service projects, mission programs and future job opportunities. Are you the next great teacher/change-maker? Join us at Charleston Southern, where countless Teachers of the Year get their start.

The College of Education consists of 10 undergraduate degree programs.

The College of Education consists of two graduate degrees, with many emphases, including a doctorate program.

Resources for Future Teachers

CSU’s partners at TeachSC have free tools and resources to make applying to our program, and becoming a classroom teacher, easier. If you create a TeachSC account, you will have access to:

  • An interactive application checklist to keep you on track.
  • 1-on-1 expert advice for any question along the way.
  • How-to guides for eligibility, applications, testing and finances.
  • A chance to win a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition.

To get access, sign up for TeachSC!


Get Plugged In!

Charleston Southern University’s Teaching Fellows participate in advanced enrichment programs, leadership training, and professional development opportunities. Find more information here.

Contact: Kimberly Baggs, director of the CSU program

Phone: 843-863-7571 | Email: kbaggs@csuniv.edu

As the regional higher education partner, the College of Education at Charleston Southern University works with 13 area high schools with the primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program to encourage academically talented, high-achieving, high school students with exemplary interpersonal and leadership skills to consider teaching as a career.

An important secondary goal of the program is to develop future community leaders who will become civic advocates for public education.

Usually high school students enroll in this class at their high school, and students receive three college credits from CSU for successful completion of this program.

For more information, contact your high school guidance counselor or visit  TeacherCadets.com.

Education majors have the opportunity to participate in preprofessional series of meetings, activities and opportunities.  Any Charleston Southern student interested in becoming a teacher is encouraged to attend these monthly meetings.  This student-led organization also participates in service learning opportunities and networking with area high schools.

The Future Teachers Society meets monthly and invites guests, including current teachers, principals, superintendents, and school district hiring personnel.

The Call Me MISTER program stands for Mentors Instructing Students Toward Effective Role Models and seeks to provide more diversity to the teaching profession.


Dr. Antonio Woods, Site Coordinator of the Call Me MISTER program at CSU
Phone: 843-863-7560 email: awoods@csuniv.edu

Partnerships and Giving Opportunities

Charleston Southern University, in conjunction with numerous sponsoring agencies, offers a variety of professional development courses for practicing teachers and administrators. We are affiliated with Berkeley County School District, Georgetown County School District, Santee Cooper, Dorchester District 2 and Lexington 1.

Full list of graduate studies and professional development for teachers and leaders

English for Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement

Please contact the staff development coordinator in your district or Dr. Julie Fernandez, Dean of the College of Education, at 843-863-7914 to inquire about current or future courses being offered by your district.

New Teacher Scholarship

Each semester, student teachers apply to win at least $500 for teaching supplies for their first year of teaching. To donate towards this fund, go to the Giving page, select “Other” and include “New Teacher Scholarship” in the description.

PRAXIS Certification Fund

This fund has been created to help any student who needs some financial assistance to pay for their PRAXIS exams. To donate towards this fund, go to the Giving page, select “Other” and include “PRAXIS Certification Fund” in the description.

COE Student Fund

This fund has been created to help students in need of food, gas, or other financial challenges that may be keeping them from completing their degree. To donate towards this fund, go to the Giving page, select “Other” and include “COE Student Fund” in the description.

Current Partners:

  • Charleston
  • Dorchester District II
  • Berkeley counties
  • Charleston Bilingual Academy
  • Meeting Street Academy
  • Tri-County Cradle-to-Career
  • First Baptist
  • Northwoods
  • and many more to come


To become a partner, please reach out to Dr. Kari Siko Walters at ksiko@csuniv.edu.

College of Education Fall 2023 EAC Report 

Charleston Southern University

  • Dr. Dondi E. Costin: President, Charleston Southern University
  • Dr. Jackie Fish: Vice President of Academics
  • Mr. David Baggs: Vice President for Development
  • Dr. Tony Turner: Vice President for Enrollment

College of Education

  • Dr. Julie Fernandez: Dean of College of Education
  • Dr. Kari Siko-Walter: Assistant Dean, College of Education
  • Dr. Amanda Butler: Department Chair of UG Education
  • Dr. Jennifer Zakrzewski: Coordinator of UG ECE/ELEM and Child Development Programs
  • Dr. Karen Fonkert: Coordinator of UG Middle and Secondary Programs
  • Dr. Kelley Green: Coordinator of Education Administration and Teacher Leadership M.Ed. Programs
  • Dr. Tammy Harosky: Coordinator of ESOL and Special Education M.Ed. Programs
  • Dr. Anthony Smith: Department Chair of the Ed.D. program
  • Mrs. Paige Austell: Coordinator of P12 Partnership, Teacher Cadet Coordinator
  • Mrs. Kimberly Baggs: CSU Teaching Fellows

Berkeley County School District

  • Dr. Glenda Levine: Chief Diversity Officer Levineg@bcsdschools.net
  • Dr. Marion Baird: Executive Director of Academics and Innovation bairdm@bcsdschools.net
  • Dr. Anthony Dixon: Chief Academic and Innovation Officer Dixona@bcsdschools.net

Charleston County School District

  • Mrs. Karolyn Belcher: Chief of Academic Officer karolyn_belcher@charleston.k12.sc.us
  • Mr. William Briggman: Chief of Human Resources Officer bill_briggman@charleston.k12.sc.us
  • Dr. Jerome Davis: Director of Curriculum and Instruction jerome_davis@charleston.k12.sc.us

Dorchester County School District 2

  • Dr. Kenneth Wilson: Director of Staff Development and Teacher Evaluationkwilson@dorchester2.k12.sc.us
  • Karen Radcliffe: Executive Director of Secondary Schools Radcliffe, kradcliffe@dorchester2.k12.sc.us

Charter Schools

  • Dr. Nate Johnson: Headmaster of Charleston Bilingual Academynjohnson@charlestonbilingualacademy.org
  • Kaitlyn Nigro: Chief of Talent Meeting Street Academy knigro@meetingstreetschools.org

Non-Profit Organizations

  • Mrs. Phyllis Martin: Chief Executive Officer Tri-County Career Collaborative Cradle to Career phyllis@tricountycradletocareer.org

Private Schools

  • Dr. Justin Mitchell: Head Master First Baptist School mitchellj@fbschool.org
  • Dr. Christie Furrow: Head Master Lower School Northwood Academy cfurrow@northwoodacademy.com

Low Country Citizens

  • Archie Franchini: franarc51@yahoo.com

Trident Tech

  • Tonya Misuraca: Department head of Child and Youth Studies Tonya.Misuraca@tridenttech.edu