Army ROTC Courses at CSU
Military Science is a four-year program of instruction, divided into a two-year Basic Course and a two-year Advanced Course. The first year (Military Science I) addresses the role of individuals through instruction and practical training in the areas of physical training, marksmanship, first aid, map reading, U.S. weapons and leadership. The second year (Military Science II) builds upon the first, through the development of more advanced individual skills such as land navigation, basic individual combat techniques and small unit tactics and leadership. Students can take any Military Science course without commitment to military service upon degree completion.
After his or her sophomore year, a student is eligible to enroll into the remaining Army ROTC courses if he or she has taken the first four Army ROTC courses, transfers from another ROTC program, has completed Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training, or completes the Leaders Training Course at Fort Knox. However, students seeking a minor in military studies may enroll in any Army ROTC course available during each semester; regardless of their intent to serve as an officer upon degree completion.
Students seeking commissions as Second Lieutenants in the United States Army are required to successfully complete the Enhanced Skills Training Program (ESTP), one of 10 designated military history courses and both LDAC and ROTC Advanced Course training. Students are highly encouraged to take courses in mathematical reasoning (Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics), computer science, natural science (biology, geology, chemistry or physics), human behavior, management, and national security affairs to better prepare themselves for their futures as Army officers.
Military Science Requirements
- MLTY 101: Leadership and Personal Development
The first semester lays the foundation for the next four years of instruction. It concentrates on building a cadet’s self-confidence on Army systems. It begins with an explanation of ROTC and US Army organization. The remaining time is devoted to training each cadet on individual common tasks, written and oral communications, and the customs and courtesies of the US Army.
- MLTY 102: Foundations in Leadership
This course focuses on the theory of leadership, concentrating on the traits of a leader and the principles of leadership. The second phase of instruction provides the cadet with the opportunity to handle and operate US Army weapons. Additional instruction centers on introduction to map reading and tactics.
- MLTY 201: Innovative Tactical Leadership
The sophomore-level course centers around basic military map reading, land navigation, first aid, military writing, and leadership. Leadership study builds on the first year and examines different leadership styles. Additionally, team building, operation orders, briefings, and ethics and values are taught.
- MLTY 202: Leadership in Changing Environments
The second semester of sophomore year will begin with basic individual combat techniques and squad offensive and defensive operations. Instruction is given on oral communication, and cadets present a briefing. Further instruction is given on professional knowledge subjects, preparing and conducting training, and radio communication.
- MLTY 301: Adaptive Team Leadership
The curriculum for the junior year is primarily designed to instruct all Army ROTC Cadets on leadership theory and basic Army tactics. Cadets receive detailed instruction on leadership practices, subordinate motivation, and ethics as well as instruction in small unit tactics, land navigation and tactical orders. Contracted cadets participate in one 24-hour training exercise, leadership labs, weekly physical training and weapons familiarization.
- MLTY 302: Leadership Under Fire
The curriculum for the second semester is designed to build on the leadership theory that was presented to MLTY 301. Tactical operations focus on platoon level operations. Detailed instruction includes training management, land navigation, leadership skill and ethics. Army ROTC Cadets who are contracted will participate in one 24-hour field training exercise, leadership labs, weekly physical training, and will attend Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Lewis, Washington.
- MLTY 401: Developing Adaptive Leaders
The main focus of the senior year is to prepare cadets for their first assignments as second lieutenants. Army ROTC Cadets will learn how to plan and conduct military training and will further their leadership development by acting as trainers and leadership evaluators for the MLTY301 and 302 contracted cadets. They also receive instruction on pre-commissioning requirements, briefings, and Department of Defense policies. A highlight of this semester is a block of instruction on the ethics and professionalism of the officer corps.
- MLTY 402: Leadership in a Complex World
The Army ROTC Cadet’s final semester centers around military law, supply maintenance, Joint Operations, ethics counseling, and advanced leadership. Each Army ROTC Cadet prepares and presents several oral presentations. The capstone of the senior year is the staff ride that brings together military concepts that have been learned throughout the year. The final event is the Army ROTC Cadet’s commissioning as an officer in the United States Army.
The first semester lays the foundation for the next four years of instruction. It concentrates on building a cadet’s self-confidence on Army systems. It begins with an explanation of ROTC and US Army organization. The remaining time is devoted to training each cadet on individual common tasks, written and oral communications, and the customs and courtesies of the US Army.