A Valentine’s Day Chapel featured a panel of CSU staff, both single and married, that offered insight and advice for those looking for love. Admittedly, finding the right one can be frustrating and heartbreaking.
Chad Scott, assistant athletic director for student development, believes “the Lord puts people in your path.”
Major Kimberly Champagne warned that “even if you’re not aware, you’re being watched—so be ready for those opportunities to connect.”
But both of these staff members are married. What about the ongoing concerns of being single?
Residence Life Counselor, Brittney Greer, says she receives comfort in focusing on what God’s trying to do in her life at the moment. “I know that God’s plans are better than mine.” Katie Braeuer, director of counseling services, echoed those sentiments. “The Lord saved me from who I might have chosen at 21, because I waited until I was 26.” Anxiousness and uncertainty evaporated by resting in that promise.
Dr. Michael Bryant, executive vice president, spoke to the importance of getting to know that potential spouse and urged students to take the time to “see that person through a range of situations.”
Students were asked to text any questions to Campus Pastor Jon Davis. One such text wanted to know more about flirting and how to overcome the awkwardness of meeting someone new. The panel offered some simple, but useful suggestions to both genders.
To the guys:
- don’t overthink it
- find areas of common interest
To the young women:
- be receptive
- don’t project a hard look
In a true moment of lighthearted honesty, everyone on the stage and in Lightsey Chapel agreed that it’s understood that women are just smarter than men when approaching each other.
Valentine’s Day can be a lonely day for some, especially in a college setting. The over-arching message, though, in this discussion sought to explain that a person’s relationship with God directly factors into all other facets of life.
National Single Awareness Day carries a different meaning when we all slow down to appreciate that God’s plans are better than ours.