Campus Wide, Student Life

CSU team raised more than $10k for Water Mission

By CSU Media | April 1, 2019
CSU students at Walk for Water

The Charleston Southern University Civic Engagement Team, led by Dr. Linda Karges-Bone, distinguished professor in the College of Education, and Kevin Coriolan, director of student activities, made history March 30 when they led a team of 193 students in a 3.5-mile walk to bring funds and attention to the global water crisis. The annual Walk for Water, a key effort of the Charleston-based, Christian engineering firm, Water Mission, occurs each year to raise money to bring patented water filtration units to the neediest parts of the globe. A single unit can provide clean water to 5,000 people.

The CSU team was the largest ever, at almost 200 students, and the team raised $10,229, shattering their goal of $7,000, and Karges-Bone, for the 7th year in a row, was the top individual fund raiser out of the almost 5,000 participants, raising almost $7,000The event drew 252 different teams, and the CSU Civic Engagement Team was #3 out of the 252 in terms of funding success. 

The students walk in support of girls and women who must walk an average of 3.5 miles each day to secure drinking water and to bring attention to the depth of the global water crisis, with an infant dying every 37 seconds because of the effects of unclean water.

Water Mission and CSU share a common vision of bringing life and transformation to a thirsty world. “I have participated for 8 years and am excited about the opportunity to have a direct impact on the lives of girls and women who cannot attend school nor have any chance for a healthy, free life because they must spend their days carrying water just to stay alive,” Karges-Bone said. “[Water Mission] transforms lives with both clean water and the “Water of Life”, the Gospel message of hope and love through our Lord Christ.”

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