Ryan Gimple
Associate Professor of Christian Studies
Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership
P843-863-7977 / ERGimple@csuniv.edu
PhD in Applied Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
MA in Intercultural Studies, Wheaton College Graduate School Graduate Certificate in TESL,
Wheaton College Graduate School BA in Christian Education and Modern Languages: German,
Wheaton College
Dr. Ryan Gimple serves as Associate Professor of Christian Studies and teaches courses in missions and church planting. He served in Asia with the International Mission Board for 19 years as a strategy coordinator for a city and an unreached people group. Dr. Gimple serves as an elder at Cane Bay and volunteers in the community with refugees and immigrants.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
Jesus has called each of us to his purpose and to his mission. Praying for recent CSU graduates who now serve in ministry roles from South Carolina to Central Asia reminds me of the tremendous responsibility and privilege I have in my role of preparing students for a life on mission.
Dr. Ryan Gimple, PhD
Gimple, Ryan, and Enoch Wan. Covenant Transformative Learning: Theory and Practice for Mission. Western Academic Publishers, 2021.
Evangelical Missiological Society
Evangelical Theological Society