College of Business

Finding the lost and broken

By Maxwell Rollins | April 24, 2020

I grew up on a farm in Southwest Georgia. A peanut farm. After the harvest, on many a Sunday afternoon, my father and I would walk the plowed fields – looking for treasure. We were not looking for gold or coins; we were looking for arrowheads. Over the years, we found literally hundreds of these ancient Native American artifacts on our land. When we found an arrowhead, it was rarely a perfect spear point; it was usually a broken piece.  I often wondered, “How many centuries had it been lost; How long had it been separated from its creator?”   

Whether we found one or a dozen arrowheads in an afternoon, we rejoiced with each find. What was once lost, was now found.

Red Georgia clay coated the arrowheads. No matter how much we tried to rub it off in the field, it would not come clean. It was only when we took it home and washed it with pure water could we bring these stones back to their former beauty. 

Jesus spoke about finding lost treasure too. In Luke 15, he gives three parables about finding lost treasures: a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. Each time the lost item was found, rejoicing and celebration followed. 

We live in a world of brokenness. People are lost. They have distanced themselves from their Creator. When we walk our fields, regardless of our occupation, we will find – if we intentionally look- that many of our friends, neighbors, and colleagues are lost and broken. Every day, we have the opportunity to show people the way back to a loving relationship with their Creator. Tell the people you know that you were once lost. Sin was stuck to you like red Georgia clay. Although you tried to clean your sin away on your own, it was impossible. It was only through the cleansing power made possible by the blood of Jesus Christ that you became clean. For Christian believers, our journey of success needs to include finding the lost and broken. Tell them the joy that awaits them living for Christ. In turn, our Heavenly Father, the Creator, will rejoice and celebrate.

Dr. Maxwell Rollins is the director of graduate programs for the College of Business.

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