College of Health Sciences

Kinesiology is now eligible for S.C. enhancement program

By Jan Joslin | August 29, 2023

One of Charleston Southern’s most popular majors received a major boost this summer from the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education.

The CSU Bachelor of Science in kinesiology is joining the list of enhancement eligible programs for Palmetto Fellows and LIFE Scholarship recipients. The enhancement provides an additional $2,500 in scholarship funding for those awarded Palmetto Fellows and LIFE Scholarships.

According to the S.C. Commission on Higher Education, student eligibility for first-time recipients of the kinesiology scholarship enhancement will begin with the freshman class entering in the 2023–24 academic year. These students will be eligible to receive the scholarship enhancement as sophomores in 2024–25. Students who are currently receiving a scholarship enhancement and wish to change their major to kinesiology will be eligible to begin receiving the scholarship enhancement in 2024–25. 

In order to maintain the enhancement, as well as Palmetto Fellows and LIFE Scholarships, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA each year.

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