Andrew Lucius
Assistant Professor and Director of Music and Worship Leadership
Lightsey Chapel
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B.A. Music - The University of Southern Mississippi (2008), M.Div. Worship Leadership - The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2013), Ph.D. Theology and Worship - Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (in progress)
Andrew Lucius has served as Assistant Professor and Director of Music and Worship Leadership at Charleston Southern University since 2023. His teaching focuses on the use of music to accomplish ministry related goals in the context of the local church.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Guitar Performance from the University of Southern Mississippi and a Master of Divinity in Worship Leadership from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theology and Worship at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. His dissertation will examine the use of the hymns of Joseph Stennett for the purpose of spiritual formation. His other research interests include early Christian liturgy, Baptist hymnody, liturgical theology, and biblical spirituality.
Before coming to Charleston Southern, Professor Lucius served in vocational ministry for over a decade at churches in Kentucky and Georgia. Professor Lucius and his family remain actively connected to the local church. They currently serve in a variety of ways at Friendship Baptist Church.
Your Purpose. Our Mission.
I want to press my students towards excellence in the classroom by exposing them to advanced theological and musical concepts, assigning coursework that requires the synthesizing of course material, and by having high expectation that they will produce great work! Yet, what I want my students to know more than anything else is that I am for them and that their personal development matters so much more to me than their performance in the classroom. It is my goal that my students leave more virtuous, Christ-like people than when they first entered my classroom.
Andrew Lucius
Review of John Onwuchekwa, Prayer: How Praying Together Shapes the Church. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2018. The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, October 8, 2020.
“The Search for Musical Identity: The Journey of the Southern Baptist Convention to Establish Denominational Standards in Its Music Practices (1938-1944),” presented at the Society for Christian Scholarship in Music (February 28, 2021)
“Worship and Welfare: A Case for the Formation of Social Ethics in the Lord’s Supper,” presented at the Evangelical Theological Society (November 18, 2021)
“Rooted and Renewed: Retrieving Eucharistic Prayers for Evangelical Baptist Worship,” presented at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary fall Colloquium (September 7, 2022)
Review of Noel A. Snyder, Sermons that Sing: Music and the Practice of Preaching. Westmont, IL: IVP Academic, 2021. Southeastern Theological Review, Vol. 47, No. 3, December 2022.
Review of Rory Noland, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2021. Themelios, 14.1 Spring 2023.
Evangelical Theological Society
Guitar Foundation of America
The North American Patristics Society
Society for Christian Scholarship in Music